6 | Curious

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"We're back here," she said as she turn to focus on her phone. "They're not here yet. In that case, I'll find him."

Jimin lift her head then stare at my frown. "Now?" I ensured. "Yeah, I guess this is the chance. He is always early along with his members sometimes especially during his Japanese album solo preperations," she replied.

"Are you actually planning this?" I suspected. She shake her head in disapproval. "You want to apolagize and convince him right? Then I'll go now." She tuck in her phone into her pocket.

"Okay then, I wish this problem to end ASAP so that this heavy feeling wouldn't remain in me," I agreed. Suddenly, her phone starts ringing inside her pocket. She lift it out from it then answer the call after taking a glance on the name.


Then some mumbling from her phone starts emitting. Jimin seemed slightly irritated, but she replied formally to the caller. It wasn't long until she told the caller that she'll be there. I knew it was something important, perhaps the call was from her staff or her manager.

She look at me in disappointment. "I'm sorry Haneul, I have to go for some work."

"It's totally fine, go ahead. I'll head back home," I insisted. She pouted. "But I promised to hang out with you here again or atleast I could bring him here so that you could apolagize him."

"Maybe another time Jimin, your work is more important," I solemnly told her. She seemed hesitant for a moment before nodding in agreement.

Jimin bid me goodbye then we seperate from each other. She walk further into the building while I head towards the exit. I was about to exit the lobby until,


"Hmm?" I hummed in response as I turn myself around. My face changed into a surprise as I saw Taeyeon infront of me. "Can I ask you a question?"

"O-Of course!" I was nervous. Standing infront of a beautiful woman seemed so unreal, but she looks deadly serious at the moment yet still in a soft tone. "What is your full name?"

"Kim Haneul," I tilted my head in wonder, why would she ask such a question?

"Kim Haneul..." She softly repeated. It was silent for awhile as she seemed quite doubtful for the whole minute. I patiently waited as I thought about on why was she asking me about my full name.

Something inside me feels like I am connected to her. In my opinion, I might not look like her. But since Baekhyun mistaken me as her in his first glance, I realized now.

"I'm sorry but were we thinking about the same thing?" I blurted out, quite impatient on her reply. Excitement fills me as she lift her chin up to meet my eyes again. "We were?" She doubtfully ensured.

Her lips twitched before speaking, "Kim Haneul, she is my sister." The present tense — is, made my eyes water although I was a little uncertain. Lots of people in Korea has the same name of Kim Haneul, but I am certain now that she is the one I have been looking for.

Kim Taeyeon is my elder sister whom protect me. She is now a talented singer, dancer, a member of a group and a soloist. She has got through a lot of things in her life, she is very strong.

Her eyes are mezmerizing. Her glistening eyes reminded me of the ones that I saw them last time decades ago. "I am, I'm sorry I forgotten about you," I apolagized for a lot of things I forgotten about her and that was so stupid of me. Her name, her voice, her everything, but she remembered me.

We both pull into a warm hug as tears starts falling, happy tears. After decades of not seeing each other due to family issues, now we get to see and hug each other again. We can do the things like sisters would do again, although it wouldn't be the same. We could share our laughter, our struggles, everything like sisters would do.

"You were so young at that time, don't apolagize for that. I should be sorry for leaving you there at that time," she cooed. "So how are you doing?" She release the hug, caressing my shoulders. I wipe her tears of her cheeks, "All good, I hope you are doing great as well."

"I am! And I will always be especially when you're here," she smiled. The lobby is silent and everyone seemed to mind their own businesses. She suddenly show me an apolagetic look, which made me frown slightly.

"Yesterday was your birthday right? I saw the four girls in the café with you," she lower both of her hands away from my shoulder. "Yes it was, I didn't remember at first honestly. Putting my birthday in my calendar as a reminder is a great idea after all," I chuckled, hoping that she wouldn't be sad for missing my birthday.

As expected, she was about to open her mouth and say something which I predict its going to be apolagies. But I immediately speak, "What matters is that you are here with me and we found each other. I am happy already, this is the best birthday gift ever." I gave her a sincere smile then she pull me into her embrace.

"Wanna hang out for awhile?"

"Sure big sis."

We smiled towards each other with affection. Her arm was around my shoulder when we start walking towards the exit. Meanwhile, without us realizing that two people are running towards us from a distance, Taeyeon hold the door and was about to push it open. Until a familiar voice stopped me and made me stop her as well. I turn around to see Jimin infront of me, along with Baekhyun behind her. His eyes landed on Taeyeon's, his lips slightly parted due to the sight. Jimin is utterly surprised as well. Taeyeon and I shared glances at each other before letting me explain the situation, but Jimin interrupted, "Haneul, he is here to apolagize to you."

Taeyeon's eyebrows furrowed as she look at him then at me. "What did he do to you?" She whispered to me, her tone was threatening. "I'll tell you later," I replied with a whisper, then focus on Jimin again.

"What did you do to her, Baekhyun?" Taeyeon suddenly asked, averting Jimin and I 's attention to them. Baekhyun raised an eyebrow at her, "Why are you involving yourslef into a problem that has nothing to do with you?"

"She is my sister," she stated confidently. "I am responsible for her."

Her statement left Jimin and Baekhyun in shock. I was a little surprised on her confidence towards them to show how protective she is towards me. I hold her hand and gently bring it away from my shoulder but still holding onto it. "Don't worry he didn't do anything bad or harmful, and he is here to say sorry," I told her.

"I forgive you Baekhyun, I hope you wouldn't think about it again," I said, looking at his still in shocked face. Jimin walked closer to me, "T-This is true?" Her voice was soft. She glanced at Taeyeon before looking at me again. I nodded at her for assurance.

"I guess I owe you an explanation, I'll tell you everything later," I whispered to Jimin. Taeyeon place her hand on my shoulder, signalling that we should head outside. Baekhyun and Jimin realized as well. "Goodbye Taeyeon-ssi, bye Haneul!" Jimin said then she head away.

Meanwhile, Baekhyun stood there and stared at Taeyeon. She mouthed at him something that I can't understand then he gave her a thumbs up before seperating from each other. She looked at me again then said, "Let's have a sister time! I have two hours to spend with you."

I'm glad this day finally came.

Lost? (Byun Baekhyun x OC x Kim Taeyeon)Where stories live. Discover now