7 | Sisters?

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Taeyeon has her eyes on the road while her hands firmly on the steering wheel. She glanced at me then at Zero — her silver poodle sitting on my lap. He is fond with me already, resting himself on my lap.

Zero usually companies her throughout the day. Whether in work like shooting, practices and recording, she brings him everywhere.

I never expected him to have a good first impression on me, I thought he would bark on me or bite me first. However, Taeyeon isn't surprised. She told me that Zero is a quiet dog. He rarely barks at people and doesn't bite, except for his squeky toys.

I like Zero already. He is unexpectedly quiet and behaves very well. Caressing his soft fur, he lays his head on my lap. Taeyeon let out a chuckle while her eyes on the road, "You two seemed very close already, did you two ever met before?"

"I've only seen him on the screen," I replied. "Oh, you watched our content? Tell me, I want to know more," she curiously urged. Without hesitating, I told her, "I love listening to your songs, they are healing and as well as videos of you and Zero. He is very adorable and obedient, and he is quiet behind the screen as well."

"What's your favourite album? Or perhaps any song of mine?"

"My favourite album is..." I paused, hesitating for awhile. "What Do I Call You. And for the song, I can't choose." She shape her mouth into a O as she nodded slightly.

The car remain silent for a few minutes straight. Zero turned his head to glance at his owner, then lay back his head on my lap. Her eyes are still on the road, then she asked,

"How has your life been throughout the years?"

Honestly, I'm afraid on answering that question. This time she sounded more curious and serious. I know she knows how my life has been with dad. My life throughout the years without her and mom, it has been horrible. It was all traumatic, I don't have the freedom which I bet Taeyeon has during her childhood. She has experienced more success in her life, and now she is popular and rich. Meanwhile, all I have is hurt embedded in my heart. Therefore, I am grateful to have Jimin on my side and my growing channel as well that I upload a video once a week, but I couldn't forget about the past.

I am trying to enjoy the good things I have in my life, and looking back then, I was strong on being able to pass through the dark nights and the betrayal and the evil words thrown at me.

"It wasn't good, but I managed to get through it atleast. My school days were not as nice as you think, especially the place I tried considering as home. But it doesn't feels like it, it feels like something is missing. My younger self was very stupid to not remember you, nor even mom. He kept everything away from me, my freedom, childhood and memories. However, you shouldn't pity me. That is my fate."

My breath becomes heavy after the words I spoke. Taeyeon sighed. I don't want to bring back the blue atmosphere.

"I got a friend back then until now, Yoo Jimin, she is true and loyal friend. Despite her popularity and busy days, she still cares about me as much I care about her. She helped me on going through everything as I support her," I tried bringing up the mood again. But the slight frown on her face is still there.

"You may see me as a successful K-pop idol, but you haven't see what I'm going through behind the cameras. Everytime I told them how I feel and my problems, including our relatives, they would tell me, "But you are a Girls' Generation member, you are Kim Taeyeon. You are rich and successful. You get to wear pretty clothes and so much people adore you." They won't understand how I feel. Everyone has their own problems in their life no matter whether they're rich or poor," she explained. I know she has been through a lot but I never expect on how people treat her this way when she wants to open up.

"I'm not trying to contest your fate with mine and vice versa," she added. The car came to a stop infront of an unfamiliar house. She park the car as I commented, "I have seen you have been through a lot back then, trust me some of us do." my words are genuine.

She stop the car's engine then put all her attention to me. "Don't compare your fate with anyone else's. Today you may be in sorrow, but tomorrow is another day. Look forward and believe in yourself. I used to believe that time heals but it doesn't exactly does. Life isn't mathematics, life doesn't have an exact answer. Please don't give up on yourself."

"And don't look back at the past again. I know, the past is what defines you today. But the present is so precious, something good will come in your way."

Jimin rush towards the room where her members are waiting. Luckily, the three of them are there already. Yizhuo has just arrived a few minutes ago, she was just about to greet Aeri and Minjeong when the door snap open.

The three darted their heads to Jimin. She seems astonished while catching her breath which made them curious. They waited for Jimin to explain the situation, but she hesitated. She has no idea on how to begin, she is confused.

"What happened?" Aeri began. Jimin shut the door then proceed closer to them. "Taeyeon sunbaenim is Haneul's sister."

"WHA-" Aeri covered Yizhuo's mouth before she could scream any further. "No wonder Haneul lowkey gives off Taeyeon's energy, to be honest. They look alike as well," Minjeong remarked.

"A staff asked me yesterday whether we meet up with Taeyeon yesterday in the café, I guess that explains it," Aeri shrugged.

"I am friends with sunbae's sister all this time," Jimin murmured. She was still awestruck by the sudden information on what she saw with her own eyes.

Lost? (Byun Baekhyun x OC x Kim Taeyeon)Where stories live. Discover now