author's note

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So, i've noticed that keeping up multiple projects is a pretty bad idea as a writer, since you keep getting writers block so i'm temorarily shutting down my other projects to work on this one. Also, my computer shut down out of nowhere while i was writing the next chapter and it wasn't saved so i'm going to have writers block for a while cause i got VERY far on that chapter. this'll probably be updated by the 22nd or something, but since i just started this project, it'll probably take quite some time for anyone to even glance at this and since people reading my work gives me life, i'll be dead for a bit. Along with that, i'm also traveling to my grandparents house and i'm not sure whether or not i'll be able to take my mac or if there'll be enough wi-fi. If i work on my mom's phone or the tablet, there'll be even more grammatical errors since i don't type very well on a touch screen. But while then, please check out moxie_girl on Ao3. Her work was what inspired this entire thing in the first place. without her, i doubt this would exist and even if it did, it would be on a trashy concept like chuuya getting stuck in Paris for some god darn inexplainable reason. Well, until then, see you later when this finally updates.

update: i'll be leaving for my grandparents' house a little later then 22nd so this might be updated earlier then expected. depends on my motivation though. please leave a comment on your way out, i need to now whether or not anyone likes this. it gives me life and motivation.

Mine has been a life of much shame {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now