chapter 2

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The people of paris were stupid. That's what chuuya decided. Or at least stupidly ignorant. Chuuya had been with them for 5 minutes and he had figured out their so-called 'superheroes' identities in a second. Or maybe it was his 'port mafia' senses that figured it out for him. Now he knew why dazai looked like he wanted to laugh when he entered the room. The entire city was fucking oblivious if they didn't already figure out who they were. Now, chat noir, he could understand. His hair was a little messed up and his eyes were like a cat's. but ladybug. That was the most obvious thing ever. He couldn't understand just why no one noticed. Whatever. He'll just leave the thinking to dazai. He is not wasting sleep over something he would most likely never understand anyways. He was never one to pick and poke anyways. That was Dazai's job. Then the infuriating mackerel reached his desk and sat down 'trembling'. Chuuya caught a few pitying glances and almost threw up. The fact that these people felt for Dazai as if he was some pure and social anxious guy made him want to fucking vomit.

The spoiled brat was anything but anxious or the like. Annoying? Yes. But never underestimate Dazai. Chuuya opened his notebook as the lecture started and began to scrawl random sketches of super heroes across the page while pretending to take notes. This was fucking boring.

"Excuse me, Nathaniel right?" Shit. Just 1 minute, 1 DAMNED MINUTE and he had already grabbed beetle bug's attention (who was a teenager and not part of an rebellious teenage underground organization or the mafia) and he DID NOT know how to respond. "y-yes, nathanial. cause that's my name. yeah" Chuuya smiled(?) weakly (or tried) and waved. "great! i just wanted to welcome you to our school. things can get crazy around here with all the Akumas' and all" Woman, he was from a mafia and a vessel of a god of calamity that seemed set on spliting his head open with his screams. This was NOTHING.

Chuuya swore, he ALMOST prefered dressing as a girl, seducing a old creepy pedo politian and killing him to this. When he was sent to a mission like that, he thought nothing could be worse and now he knew that this was almost worse. ALMOST WORSE. not worse, BUT ALMOST WORSE. "i really wanted to help settle you into this school since you might be a little nervous with all the whole new school thing and i've really been there too and now i'm rambling."

yes. Yes she was and Chuuya could testify to that. He could also testify to the fact this girl was nice. Chuuya hasn't known a single 'nice' person in his mafia life. the last person who did anything nice for him was rimbaud and he's dead. The few friends he had were nice to have, but they weren't exactly nice. Dazai making him a collar was NOT NICE. IT WAS INFURIATING. "o-oh, it's ok. it happens. a lot" chuuya said, faking a smile.

"ah, by the way there's this girl in our class named chloe. i noticed you drawing earlier in class and i think you should stay away from her, she's a big bully and resposible for akumatizing half our class" chuuya blinked. The fuck. Was this woman seriously downgrading someone else? Do people in normal high schools do that or is the mayor's daughter seriously that bad?

"Marinette!" A random brunette with glasses jumped up behind marinette and hugged her. chuuya blinked again. "hi! Your the new student right? Nathvil? My name is alya. I'm marinette's bestie!" chuuya already hated fake smiling before, but now it's getting god-level annoying. Aka Arahabaki spliting his head open annoying. chuuya was guessing alya was that one best friend in the shoujo manga he read to win a bet against Dazai that followed her every order without question and was tirelessly energetic. Kill him now. "N-Nathanial, actually" he said almost gritting his teeth. "Oh sorry! cool!" How was 'cool' a response? is she saying his name is cool? then she should go thank Mori, not him. He was the reason he was here in the first place. "Oh, have you been to marinette's parent's cafe yet? The food there is really good!" ...Good food? Forget everything he said earlier, forget the fact he couldn't know the cafe since the hyperactive brunette didn't even mention the name, if there's food involved, he's in. Living in the slums for most of his life really boosted his appreciation for food as a whole. "Not really. i would like to try some though." chuuya, for the first time since he got to paris smiled half-genuine.


Dazai leaned back in the couch, bored, playing on his Nintendo Switch. He was currently sitting the apartment the mayor had oh so 'kindly' prepared for them. To be honest, he had already played and passed the game many times over and over, it's just a way to pass worthless time now.

He had already hacked into the computer files of the French and London Mafia and figured out their plans. It had taken him a few annoying firewalls and such to finally gain access to the information stored, but he figured it out after a little bit of probing and poking. The name of a member's pet for the password, he had scoffed, how utterly typical. As soon as he got the data, he didn't stop there. He quickly downloaded the files to his laptop and covered every little clue there was left of him hacking into the account. Of course, he could have just quickly read the information and stored it safely in his brain, but there was no guarantee when someone would come over and find out he hacked into their computer and files and memory was unreliable. All that was left was to find out the exact date of the attack next month.

He sighed as he won another game (as expected) and laid down the switch on the table in favour of the over-sugared coffee beside it and took a little sip, not caring to blow as the somehow still steaming liquid scorched the inside of his mouth. Perfect. It had taken the Slug and him quite a few days to get used to the sleep schedule here. Or at least it had taken the Slug a few days to get used to it. Dazai barely slept anyways, so the time difference between japan and france didn't effect him as much. It had been hell, living in the same house as chibi of all people. He was just too smart for chibi to understand. Or for anyone to understand really, he mused as he took another sip of the scathingly hot coffee. Well, anyone but the Russian.

It had been hard to convince chibi to make his coffee have no milk. He kept snarling at him about how 'milk was good for him', 'he was already malnourished as he was, how heavens know what reason' and 'he never ate or drank anything healthy'. In the end, he hadn't been able to convince him and just spilled the coffee (which also didn't have enough sugar) in the sink and made his own the moment chuuya left the room. It wasn't dazai's fault he hated milk He was lucky the chibi hadn't stayed to make sure he drank the coffee. Usually, he would have poured it out in front of the chibi to aggravate him, but that day he had simply been to 'out-of-it' to deal with an angry chibi.

Finally, he finished his coffee and dragged his thin body off the couch it currently occupied. He was feeling like having something sweet. Since the chibi wasn't here to cook him said sweet thing (once he convinced him, that is) and he couldn't cook for the life of him, he picked up his phone and searched up popular cafes around his area. Soon he found a cafe just around the corner with quite some amazing ratings. The cafe's name was, Boulangerie Pastries.

i just realized nathanial hawthorne and nathanial kurtzberg share the same name. Coincidence? I think... yes. i tried writing this to ado's cover of 'hinderance' so it was hard getting mari and alya's character while chuuya's was like a breeze. This was a little late i guess. I was really feeling a little out of it ever since i came back from my grandparents's house. I guess i got a little obessed with improving my art. after a long time of uncertainity, my art finally started to look even slightly bareable. To think i was happy would be an understatment. anyways, how was this chapter? Was there anyway i could improve? Is my writing good? Is the dialouge to forced? i feel like it's a little too forced. Please give feedback and comment. As i said, it gives me life to know people are reading this.

 As i said, it gives me life to know people are reading this

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Chuuya's sketch. I didn't really put any thought or plot into this, just drew whatever came to mind. I'll try to actually put some thought into the next little tid bit we get of chuuya's sketches.

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