Chapter 3

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Spoilers for stormbringer are in this chapter. You can avoid them though. It's a separate paragraph on it's own. It's the 7th paragraph. It consists of like 2 lines so it should fairly easy to skip the spoilers. *spoiler alert!* I just read stormbringer and realized chuuya was a really moody teenager at the time and if I went back to edit him into said moody teenager, it would really stand out and change the plot (as if I'm not winging this story as a whole), so I'm just going to squish in a little bit of moody teenager into his personality which I am also winging cause I'm terrible at undercover stories like this one, Hooray! Note the sarcasm. This note was written while I finished writing 632 words which is also the time when I finished reading stormbringer so chuuya will start to be a moody teenager half way through this *end of spoilers* That's all for now. Enjoy!

The restaurant was peaceful, to say the least, but Chuuya honestly wasn't paying attention to anything (or anyone) but the food and resisting the urge to squash his face against the glass separating him and those beautiful sweets like a child. Beetle bug and hyperactive brunette were talking about something behind him, but the sweets made it impossible to listen. Being a slums child, chuuya has never had a lot of opportunities to have sweets or enjoy himself, so just being present in a restaurant like this was like being granted permission into heaven. "Nathanial? Nathanial, Nathanial, earth to Nath, BOO!" chuuya almost flinched, half from being snapped out of his daze and plunged back a little (a lot, he was going to murder someone after this) harsher than he would have wanted, into the real world and half due to the apparent disrespect this hyperactive brunette just gave him?

Chuuya, if anyone who is lower or equal to you in status or strength (unless you allow them to) call you by your first name without honorifics, worse a nickname without honorifics, you may presume they are being rude.

"...yes, kouyou-san"

If it weren't for the fact that literally everyone in the slums called each other by their first names, chuuya would be offended. Maybe it doesn't apply to normal teenagers? Then he remembered something that kouyou had told him about apparently normal teenagers.

Chuuya, in France, honorifics other than madame, monsieur and mademoiselle do not exist, and people (mostly teenagers) may start calling you by your first name or nickname a little after you meet, understand?

"...yes kouyou-san"

To be honest, until he learnt French, he in fact did not understand a word of what Kouyou said.

"y-yeah?" he quickly replied after regaining his composure from being snapped out of heaven. "Oh, your back from your little trip to dreamtopia?" hyperactive brunette teased and if it weren't for the façade he was supposed to wear, chuuya would have exploded then and there. Why? Cause that little hyperactive brunette sounded exactly like dazai. Calm down, chuuya, deep breaths- DAMN IT, THIS IS PISSING ME OFF "I- yeah" he (PRETENDED TO) scrambled for words. "Anyways, how about we uh, order something?" Marinette smiled at that "oh, no need. Like I said, my parents own this shop. Just point out what you want from the menu and I'll get something." ...then, were it not for chuuya''s intense endurance training, he would have cheered then and there and broken his cover. And then was the moment he realized. He didn't know what the sweets were. They looked good and all, but he didn't know their names, damn it. Ok, what to say, what to say, got it! "well, what do you recommend?" hyperactive blonde looked almost surprised.

"Wow, with how much you were staring at the sweets I would have thought you had in mind what you wanted." She teased. ...ok, can chuuya punch this girl in the face now? She really reminded him of dazai and it fucking pissed. Him. off. "well, we have macaroons, crepes, madeleines, Ispahan and flottantèè, but I don't recommend those cause the only ones we currently have here are with biscuits soaked in alcohol." Wait. Wait. ALCOHOL!? Fuck being not of age, he's getting himself that flottant- oh, wait. 'Nathanial' probably didn't drink alcohol or did anything with drugs, unlike chuuya who was involved with the mafia. Chuuya tried not to let himself droop in disappointment drooped in disappointment at that. "well, I'll have the Ispahan." Chuuya said, trying not to let the disappointment seep into his voice. Marinette, on the other hand beamed. "ok then! It's a good thing that we have a big one in store!" a big Ispahan? Considering the fancy dinners he's be having ever since he joined the mafia, it's not much, but better than nothing though there was still some lingering disappointment from the flottantè there. Distracted, chuuya sat down on the chairs provided for customers, pretending to listen to hyperactive brunette's rants about beetle bug with his mind up in the clouds.

He should really call the flags sometime or another. They were investigating his childhood for him... and he had to take care of that one dispute over a mafia-owned jewellry shop too.

As chuuya's thoughts drifted, the door opened. And as it opened, a dark aura snapped chuuya to attention. It was an aura that he hated. An aura that only those who had seen that bastard's ugly side could recognize. Chuuya had seen his ugly side many times by the amount of missions he was stuck with him on.

Oh well, bye 'somewhat peaceful chuuya' and enter 'I'm-going-punch-to-the-lights-out-of-you chuuya.

The door opened, and incame the one, the only, spoiled brat, Dazai Osamu. Ability: No Longer Human.The guy chuuya was going to punch the lights out of and hang upside down afterthis. Please don't come over, please don't come over, please don't come over.He noticed chuuya and came over.

Damn it.

Then, with a smile so bright, ithurt something in chuuya to see it on the mackerel's face, he walked pastchuuya's table. What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK. That mackerel- ignored him!? Is this the end of the world or something? How-why- oh. Oh. The mission. If the so-called shy, anti-social mark ancielwere to somehow gather up enough courage to socialize with 1 person he nevermet with only 1 person he has met before, and indirectly tease saidperson, no matter how oblivious the girl before him were, they would surely getsuspisious.

That moment was a moment in which chuuya internally almost died ofhappiness. He would finally get a break from mackerel's hell. Then realitycame crashing down on him. Chuuya was in a random bakery with a random strangerand a beetle and dazai was sitting one seat behind him and the stranger could,by chance be working for the French mafia. Horror almost crept of his face andchuuya realized the amount of stupidity he had been displaying in thelast few hours with his logical and reasonable side being overshadowed by hiswhiny teenager side. Dazai was so going to annoy him when they got back tothe house. Fuck.

Forcing himself to focus on the beetle walking overwith merianges and his Ispahan, chuuya internally took a deep breath. "Here'sthe pastries!" beetle bug smiled, sitting down. A woman with Asian features anddark bluish hair then came over to dazai's table with a smile so bright, Arahabakiroared at it. Glancing suspiciously from beetle bug to the woman, chuuyaquickly decided the two were probably related. "May I take your order, youngman?" she asked the mackerel. "O-Oh, of course!- ah-I'd like a petite four!" ...Chuuyawas now ready to kill the bastard then and there, fuck the undercover mission. Damnit, he was not petite and he was not short! "Would you like them sweetor savory?" daz- no, mark hid behind the hood of his jacket (the fuck didhe get a jacket and whispered loud enough for chuuya BUT NOT THE DAMN LADY TOHEAR "A sweet one please. I've only had savory ones before." FUCK. IT. ALL.


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