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Ok, i'm not making this into a big 'boo-hoo' and i'm not in the mood for heartfelt goodbyes, so i'm just gonna say this up blunt. I'm done with this book. i know, i know, you wait nearly half an year just to find out i'm discontinuing this book, but to be honest, i'm just not having fun anymore. BSD has and always will have a special place in my heart, but now i just have a lot  of other stuff and i'm starting to form the beginning of what you can call my 'dream project' .

This doesn't mean i'm done with writing and what i saying is just that, this book wasn't made for others. it was made for myself, to explore this interesting AU, not to be consumed by other humans and now i'm just not having fun anymore. Sorry if you wanted more of this, but what ever i planned for the future in this would be twice as interesting in your own mind. If you really don't want this to end, then don't let it. This AU is a whole other world and i just wrote some of it down. If your really curious, just create more. Think of this as an ambigious ending and create your own. How does Hawkmoth react to these two ability users? Do they get charms? How do they use those charms? Do they use abilities instead? basically, i'm saying what asagiri said in the afterword of beast. you don;t need to rely on me anymore. i don't have anything else to say so, er, on to the next book.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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