Chapter 1: You Vs. Kid

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"Excuse me, have you seen this man by any chance?" You asked politely to the apple vendor while you are still covered with black cloak from your head down to the tip of your boots. Inside the hood of the cloak, a scarf is wrap around the half of your face. It is enough to remain unrecognizable by the marines or pirate hunters.

"Yeah I've seen him. If I'm right, they've been at the docks. They arrived last night. People are a bit tense around knowing how dangerous that person is. Are you a bounty hunter?" The vendor asked.

"Yeah. Thanks for the info." You lied but it is to keep you safe. You arrived on the island two days ago but you came from the east side of the island. The docks that the vendor were talking is from the west part of the island. It's no wonder you didn't see any sign of the man at that part of the island.

Good thing there is a map to help you get to the western dock and it is not so far from where you are located. Walking straight forward, you can see the big ship already. AS you walk closer, it shows more of its glorious look.

The skull of an animal designing the bow of the ship and the Pirate Jolly Roger gave you the hint that the search is over.

You travelled too long and too far just to find him. He is the only person you wanted to look for and you wanted to give him a super duper hit on his head.

"Hello!" You yelled from the docks, looking up on the ship trying to search of someone who can answer you. It didn't took long when a blue haired approach the railing to look down on who is yelling on the docks. His sullen look met you but he didn't say a word.

"Excuse me, is your captain there?" You asked.

"What for?" He finally spoke.

"Tell him a woman is here to kick his face." You said like it was something normal to say. He raised his brows, not liking what you said but before he could react the red-head came to his side, looking down on you.

"What did you say?" He growled. So he was there all along huh.

"You heard me Kid, get your ass here or I'll kick you in Victoria's deck."

The blue haired man's mouth parted. Then a mask man came by his side, you easily recognized him as Killer. Another taller man stood beside them wearing some sort of hoodie and fishnets. They must've heard and dislike what you said knowing how Eustass Kid takes no shit and have a bad temper.

"What?" he almost whispered "....WHO DO THINK YOU ARE!" He barked. Oooooohhh now he's angry, but you don't give a shit too. You smirked under your scarf covering the half of your face.

You took few steps backwards then run forward to take a leap landing on the animal skull of the ship, now you are the one looking down on them. The crew who were busy with their daily activities paused to turn their attention to you.

"I'll let you know who I am after I beat you"

"After you beat me? Or After I beat you?!" Kid shot back.

The crew can feel the tension that they scrambled away from their captain like he is a bomb. For a person like Kid who doesn't like your kind of attitude, he still managed to stand in the middle of the dock. You guess he is willing to accept your one on one challenge.

Kid raised his hand as close-by metal materials gathered around his hand. You stood there waiting for him to attack. The metal formed in a gigantic metal arm as it swings to where you are standing.

When it is about to reach you, you raised a sword under you cloak. Your sword is covered with your haki, stopping the metal arm with the tip of your sword. You balance your feet then pushed the metal arm away from you. When Kid realized that it was going to outbalance him, he released the metal. But he chanted 'repel' causing metal parts to lunged to your direction.

In a blink of an eye, you charge towards Kid while blocking the metal pieces with your sword. It was too fast for him to shield himself with metal from your sword. The sword was beside his neck but he was also holding his knife pointing to your stomach. Another movement would've caused both injuries.

It feels like everyone is holding their breath at the moment, except for Killer who whistled softly.

You covered your other hand with haki and held Kid's knife but he was also fast as you that he held the blade of your sword with his metal hand.

You giggled until you burst in laughter. Your laughter hits a realization in Kid's mind. The rest of the crew was surprised that you can still laugh despite the situation you're in. Kid moved your sword away from his neck with his metallic arm and you let go of his knife.

"What happened to your arm Kid?" you asked when you noticed his metal arm replaced his usual flesh arm.

He didn't speak but took a step closer to you to reach the hood of your cloak. He pushed it back and he lowered the scarf covering half of you face. His eyes widened, even Killer gasped a bit upon recognition. Your eyes were (e/c), different from Kid but there are red highlights in your hair that is mixed with your (h/c) hair.

"You idiot, we almost killed each other!" Kid shouted and held the cloak dragging you inside the ship, going to his room like a doll. Of course you just slump there like a piece of non-living in his hands, not really caring about his actions.

From your peripheral vision, you can sense Killer is following you with his eyes beneath the mask but you acted like you didn't notice it.

Soooo yeah, this is my first fanfiction book to publish eheheh. The comment section is open in case of questions, corrections, reactions or anything. Also, sorry for some grammar mistakes.

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