(Chapter 1)

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I was having a great walk to the hallway when suddenly someone approach me which is Lisa.."Hello Unnie"she said.
"Oh hello lisa,do you want something?"i said "nothing at all unnie,i just wanna ask if Jungkook went in school today.."she said with a smile on her face.."Mhmm,i don't know either but you should check at the art room,he is always making paintings there"i said "ahhh okay unnie Kamsahamnida"she said and left.
(Sigh)i wonder if Lisa have feelings for Jungkook..


I went in to my first class, and saw Jungkook and Lisa sitting together.."aishh,that boy is always sticking to Lisa"..since Jungkook and Lisa are sitting together..i'll just find something i can sit..then suddenly someone approach me,it's Jimin..
JIMIN:Hey Jisoo..you can sit with me
JISOO:Oh thank you Jimin,your so nice..
JIMIN:Welcome,by the way i just wanna ask if you can help me doing homework in math later?
JISOO:Oh sure,i can help you..
JIMIN:Thanks your the best..

I was just talking to Lisa because she is sitting next to me,then suddenly i saw Jisoo..her face looks dissapointed i wonder why?
Then Jimin approach her..and now they are sitting together and talking each other..i feel a little bit jealous but,i onl throw my attention to Lisa..she is very cute and beautiful,i don't know why but..arghh it's hard to explain my feelings toward lisa..
Then she approach me..
LISA:Mhmmm,Jungkook may i ask you something?
JUNGKOOK:Yeah sure..
LISA:Can you drive me to my house later after school?
JUNGKOOK:Sure,but why?
LISA:I have no service..
JUNGKOOK:Ahhh,okay sure.no problem

(After class,Jisoo and Jimin went to the canteen)

Me and Jisoo are eating at the canteen,jeez Jisoo really loves chicken..she just finish a whole one bucket of Chicken,which made my heart flutter..she is just so cute when eating her favorite food..i'm just smiling looking at her..then suddenly a boy approach us..which is Jisoo's freind Jungkook
JUNGKOOK:Hi chu,hi mochi..can i sit with you?
JISOO:ahhh sure Kook..but where is Lisa?
JUNGKOOK:Oh she is at the dance room..practicing some new choreo..
JIMIN:Ohh that's nice,so she will have a comeback?
JUNGKOOK:Yep!and i'm excited..

(NOTE:Guys,Lisa is a popular dancer in their school)

JISOO:Aish!..let's just eat..
JIMIN:Okay Jichu..
JUNGKOOK:Btw chu i can't drive you home later after school..
JISOO:B-but wh-why?
JUNGKOOK:I have to drive Lisa home because she has no service to pick her up..
JISOO:She can just walk home..
JUNGKOOK:Duh,Jisoo you know that Lisa can't walk in going home,she might get kidnapped..
I was shock of what Jisoo do,did she got mad?
I followed her and there she is at the bensh sitting alone..

I got mad of what Jungkook said to me..she really have no care about me anymore because of Lisa..tears fall in my eyes because i'm so sad ..Jungkook already forgotten me..then suddenly someone sat beside me which is Jimin..
JIMIN:H-hey,Jisoo..why are you crying?
JISOO:I hate Jungkook..(tears are still falling in her eyes)
JISOO:She already forgot about me,because of Lisa..i hate him
JIMIN:Don't worry Jisoo,i'll drive you home later after school
JISOO:Thank you Jimin..

Thank you for reading the story,hope you like it♥

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