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I was finding Jisoo everywhere,then suddenly someone called me,it's Jisoo..but when i answer it..it's not Jisoo's voice that i heard,it's a boy's voice..
THE GUY IN THE PHONE:Is this Jeon Jungkook?
JUNGKOOK:Who are you?where's Jisoo?
THE GUY IN THE PHONE:Oh,your Jisoo is with us..you wanna hear her?
JUNGKOOK:Give her the phone right now!
Now the guy gave the phone to Jisoo..
JISOO:J-Jungkook?i-is th-that y-you? (sobbing)
JUNGKOOK:Yes it's me...are you okay?
JISOO:J-Jungkook please s-save me..i-i'm b-begging you..p-please..
Then suddenly i hear the guy's voice again..
THE GUY IN THE PHONE:If you wanna save her come to the ******* but only you..
JUNGKOOK:Okay,i'll come there..don't hurt her
THE GUY IN THE PHONE:Okay,as you said..


While i'm at a dark room getting beaten with 5 boys..my whole body is reall trembling.."Jungkook please i need you"..i said to my self..then the gate of the place where i am,opened suddenly revealing a very tall guy..which is..Jeon Jungkook..
JUNGKOOK:Let her go...
One of the guy move closer to Jungkook and approah him..
THE GUY:Well,well,well...look who is here..the boyfreind of our dear Kim Jisoo..
JUNGKOOK:Sehun..she is not yours..
SEHUN:Oh really?you even break her heart..
JUNGKOOK:How did you know?and why are you doing this to her?!
SEHUN:You stole Lisa to me?!she is mine..and now Jisoo is mine..
I'm so disgusted to Sehun..that's why...
JISOO:Yahhhh!!!don't touch me!!!You little bi*ch!!!(slap him)
SEHUN:What the f*ck did you just said?!You f*cking bi*ch!!(slap her back)
JUNGKOOK:Yahhhh!!!don't do that to he,or else..
SEHUN:Or else what?she is not yours..
JUNGKOOK:What do you want?
SEHUN:I want you to suffer..Boys!tie this boy in a chair..let's play with Jisoo first..

Sehun and his boys tie Jungkook to a chair...then they started to beat Jisoo...Jungkook was looking at Jisoo that tears are falling in his eyes..his heart was breaking looking at Jisoo getting beaten by boys..
JUNGKOOK:Jisoo!!!(crying)Yahhhh stop it right now!!!!!!!
Then Jungkook saw Jisoo already on the floor..Sehun was about to throw a chair to Jisoo..but someonw blocked her..it's non other than Jungkook...

(NOTE:Hehehe,this moment is familiar comment down below if you know..okay back to the story)



I open my eyes,and there i saw Lisa staring at me..
LISA:Kook?are you okay?
JUNGKOOK:W-where am i?
LISA:We bring you at the hospital..you and Jisoo unnie founded laying down on a floor with some blood..
JUNGKOOK:Wh-where is Jisoo?
LISA:She is still recovering,she had a lot of wounds..
JUNGKOOK:What room is she?
LISA:Room 45
JUNGKOOK:I have to go there..
LISA:But,Kook..you can't,your still weak..
JUNGKOOK:Lisa,Jisoo is my freind..(left)
I go to the room 45..and there i saw Jimin sitting beside Jisoo.
"Jimin,is she okay?" I said with a worried tone.."she is still recovering"..i sit beside her..
JUNGKOOK:Jisoo,please don't leave me..i'm sorry..very sorry...
Please wake up..

That's it for now..sorry if the story is very short.. :(
Don't worry i'll try to make the next chapter longer if i can..

♥here is a song from bts "Permission to dance"to cheer you up..♥

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