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Jisoo and Jimin was walking at the hallway then suddenly Jungkook and Lisa came and approach them...
JISOO:Oh,hi Jungkook,hi lisa..looks like your very happy today.
LISA:Yep unnie..because...me and Jungkook are now official!!!!!
JISOO:Y-you mean o-officially d-dating?
JUNGKOOK:Yep chu..are you not happy for us?
JISOO:Of course i am..congrats..
JIMIN:Congratulations Lisa..Jungkook..
LISA:Thank you unnie,thank you Jimin

When they said that they are now official,my heart break million times..i don't know i just wanna cry and cry..after i said "welcome"..i ran away and go to a bench and sit there..
"Why?why can't you recognize me Jungkook?i like you for a long time..is it because Lisa is a very popular girl that's why you like her?why?"..i said to my self..i want to ask all of this to Jungkook but i can't...i'm so stupid and so dumb..i'm so shy to confess my feelings for him..now i'm late to say my feelings for him..i'ts all my fault..(sobbing)then,suddenly i heard a very sweet and deep voice..and it's non other than Jimin,the only man that is always with me when i'm sad.
JIMIN:Jisoo?are you okay?
JISOO:Why can't he recognize my love for him Jimin?
JIMIN:Don't worry Jisoo,i'm here..you can always talk to me everytime..i'm not leaving you..
JISOO:Thank you Jimin..(hug him)
JIMIN:(Hug her back)
I guess,i have to let go of Jungkook,i have to be happy for him..thank you Jungkook,and i love you..


I am so angry to Jungkook,he hurt Jisoo's feelings..why can't he love her,i ran and trying to find her everywhere..then i saw him.
"Jungkook" i said with a very deep and husky voice.."oh hi Jimin,what do you want?".."Let's talk,at the rooftop"..we went to the rooftop and there i approach him..
JIMIN:Did you know that Jisoo likes you?
JUNGKOOK:What?what are you saying?
JIMIN:did you didn't hear what i said?Jisoo likes you!!
JUNGKOOK:Are you just saying that because you like Lisa..so you can take her away from me?!
JIMIN:What the fu*k are you saying?!!i don't even have feelings to Lisa!!..you just can't believe that Jisoo likes you..
JUNGKOOK:I don't care..(left)
Ughhhh,my blood is boiling because of that Jungkook..


It's been a week,Jisoo is avoiding Jungkook,and now Jungkook always wants Jisoo's attention..

I hate being avoided by Jisoo..she is always avoiding me,i don't know why..i hate it very much..super..now i decided to find her,but she is not here in school,i started to imagine some things..and now i'm starting to get worried to Jisoo.."where is she?"
Where can she be?..

Where can Jisoo be?
Guys,i'm very sorry if the story is very short..i apologize,see you at the next chapter..


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