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Observer felt fear wash over him like a tidal wave,he was calculative,silent,a spy,not a fighter.He looked at the bathroom and saw only the door.The footsteps were getting close so he had to do something soon.Then it it hit him.Observer took the cap off the toothpaste and threw it down the hall.Thankfully the noise drove Maxwell away to investigate.

A quiet sigh left him,that was entirely too close.He dashed across the hall back into the master bedroom.Stealth was truly his strong suit,he thought silently closing the sliding door.Making his way over to the air unit Observer stood on it and climbed up onto the roof.

He sat far back enough not to be seen as the sound of the main door met his ears.The figure that came out never even bothered to look up.Maxwell's glare grew dark as he stormed back into the house,that bothered him for some odd reason.Observer shivered,now he knew why humans needed those ridiculous plastic ponchos.

"You know the Administrator isn't pleased with all the time you spend here," a voice said.

"GoawayFirebrand," Observer said.

The former Collective member smiled and held out an umbrella.

"You may not be human but you can still get sick," Firebrand advised when Observer tried to push the bundle away.

An annoyed groan wanted to leave Observer but he wasn't going to let the traitor have the satisfaction of making him express emotion.He opened the dark blue umbrella and held it over him.Never in his life had his hair had been so flatten,at least he didn't think so.

"Still giving me the silent treatment? Observer,buddy you can't still be mad about me leaving.It's a dead horse,don't go digging it up," Firebrand said as he sat down next to him.

"It'snotadeadhorse,youcleary-" Observer began.

"It's a metaphor," the other shadow interrupted.

Observer hunched his shoulders,of course.Nothing is just simple English with Firebrand.The only person that frustrated him almost as much as Maxwell.Well it only makes sense since they're both practically the same person,yet the human one annoyed him more.

"So how's the crew?"Firebrand asked.

"Fine,"Observer said sharply.

"Mr.Scars still down in the dumps?" he asked which Observer answered with a nod.

Firebrand shook his head as it thundered,"I wish there were something I could do 'bout that."

'There's something we can agree on,'Observer thought bitterly.

"Well,I gotta go.The egg isn't going to cook itself," he said vanishing in a blink of an eye.

This was a continuous cycle for him.People came,then they left.Some are antisocial, some are over friendly,Observer just repels people.He could see it now. Get it now!Observer the repellent! Keeper Approved!

Then there would be Cursor the computer mouse and Firebrand cereal.The last thought brought a smile to Observer's lips.Now there was a funny thought,he didn't have many of those.His thoughts were mostly about what he had seen.Like that week when the Keeper got a facial and had a glowing head for a month.It was like a magestic lightbulb attached to a suit,you can only imagine how many people died laughing.

'Might as well head home the long way,'Observer thought hopping down.

The rain began to lighten up as he walked down the street, not entire but it was now was safe to walk around.A feeling of loneliness feel over Observer as he made his journey home.He lost himself in his thoughts again,making his travels seem shorter.The dead streets gave him no comfort as he crossed the street.

Observer pulled himself out of his thoughts when he noticed the eerie silence. It had stopped raining completely.He closed the umbrella and tied it to his belt loop.There was no need to drag it around.He was here anyways.With a wave of his a hand a doorway with his symbol on it appeared.

'As Firebrand says:Time to face the music,'Observer thought as he opened the door.

To his surprise there was no one in the main entrance.He didn't care as he laid the umbrella to dry and head up to his room.However,he did run into Swain.The poor man didn't see him coming so when Observer pushed by him he jumped.

"Holy-!Don't do that again Observer!" he snapped.

(Picture is Observer's room in my mind.)

Observer waved him off and went into his room.A small amount of light came from the window,so he pulled the darker curtain over the window.Grabbing a water bottle from the mini-fridge Observer laid down on his bed.He took a big gulp before twisting the cap on and putting the bottle on the nightstand.On the same nightstand was lamp witch Observer used more often than the main lights.

He pulled his hand back and knocked the bottle into the floor.He sighed,stupid bottle.He didn't get up to pick it though,Observer was far too tired to get up to get it.He took off his glasses and put them in their case before getting under the covers.Closing his eyes he submitted to sleep quickly.


Awhile later the door creaked open and Mr.Scars looks at Observer.

"I told you he was asleep," he whispered to Deadhead," You'll have to wait till he wakes up."

"Alright.Just let him know that the Keeper wants to see him," the masked being said.

"About what?" Mr.Scars asked.

"You think I know?"

The scarred being watched Deadhead walk away and disappear into the human world.His eyes fell back to sleeping form.

"What've you done this time?" he asked quietly.

With that he closed the door.


1. Go away Firebrand.

2. It's not a dead horse,you cleary-

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