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What did was he thinking?Inviting the very shadow figure into his house for no reason.Noah looked behind him to see Observer messing with the pedals of his bike.At least the park wasn't very far from his house,after all it was his back up plan if he couldn't think of anything.

He watched Observer mess with the pedals before the shadow looked off in the distance.The dark green seemed to mingle with the dark shadow almost like paint.Some parts of him disappeared while others seemed to stand out.The shadow seemed unaware to Noah's studying but he couldn't be sure,after all his name says it all.

Noah turned back to face the browning grass and few trees the park offered.The sky had darken considerably but being with someone like Observer it should be all right......Right? The irony would be that Observer isn't as feared by other beings that he makes it seem.Noah made a face,others have to be at least creeped out by him.

"Youconfuseme,"Observer said bluntly.

Noah jumped a little.Observer had been so quiet he had forgotten he was there.

"What do you mean?"Noah asked.

He looked up when he felt a hand's firm grip to see Observer's stone cold glare.It was hard to see the difference in his facial expressions but Noah could see the faint lines of Observer's eyebrows and mouth.There had to be a reason why he noticed this,but life's a mystery gift wrapped in danger.Just like human emotions.....

"Everything.Suchaswhydoyouannoymesomuch?Whydo-"Observer began.

"Hold your horse buddy.One question at a time,"Noah interrupted with a smile.

Observer stared down at him with a unwavering look.Noah's smile fell when he realized he had unwittingly agree to answer a question he had no idea what the true answer was.He thought for a moment as the shadow sat on the hill with him.

"There could be a lot of reasons.You could have something against me buried so deep that you're unaware of it?" Noah suggested.

Observer made a face Noah had seen too often for his liking.The shadow looked down at his shoes before shrugging.This was going to be more complicated than it was suppose to be.

"It could be you're jealous,"Noah joked.


"Actually? No."

Observer chortled.Noah smiled with victory.At least he got him to relax.The dark haired male listened for a moment when the sound of crunching leaves came towards them.Noah turned to see no one on the path.He stared down the path for a moment before he turned back around slowly.

"What'sthat?"Observer's questioned.

Noah turned to see a butterfly had landed on the shadow's knee.Observer's shoudlers were hunched,almost as if he didn't know what the little winged creature was.Noah laughed,the fact Observer didn't know what a butterfly was dawning on him.

"It's a butterfly," Noah stated as the black and white of the butterfly moved around on the shadow's leg.

"Getitoff!"Observer snapped through gritted teeth.

"Nope.That Zebra Longwing is staying there."


"Two words: State butterfly."


Noah lost his playful smirk and stared at the fidgeting shadow.Did he-?


"Talk my ear off?You've already did that Zippy."

Observer glared at the human.He was in for a real scolding later.Noah snickered as the black and white butterfly flew away.It's zebra-like wings a eye catcher against the blue sky.Noah was brought out of his trance when he was punch on the jaw.

"What the hell Observer?!"Noah shouted regaining his balance.

But the shadow was already gone.Noah looked around,standing up quickly,he hurried over to his bike.Observer was no where to be seen as he picked the bike up.


Noah sighed when he got no response.Who knew Observer could act like a little kid?He looked back at the hill one last time before heading home.


"Why'dyoupunchNoah?"Observer asked Cursor as she dragged him away.

"I have my reasons commander,"she spat letting go of his arm.

The woman snapped her fingers her own unmarked door appearing.The door opened to a dark room with a long couch,long table,a fireplace lit.Cursor tilted her head towards the room gesturing  Observer to go in.He gulped before stepping into the secluded rooms.He sat on the dark brown couch as Cursor took a seat in a chair across from him.

He had only been in this room once before and it hadn't been swell.Cursor had lashed at him and Observer was barely able to hold the woman away.The attack was sudden,and uncalled for.All that was said she needed to let others do as they pleased.

"Now commander I have  some concerns," Cursor began with her silver tongue,"It's about my nephew,Noah,as you may already know."

A dark smirk spread across Cursor's face when Observer twitched and tensed. Looks like she found the chink in the seemingly unnerved leader's armor.

"I'm afraid if you get to close it could prove disastrous for our mission," Cursor persuaded.

She watched the younger male think about it before he shook his head no.A sneer replaced her smirk as she dug her nails into her palms.She's losing him.

"Why not?" she asked sweetly,"It could get us all hurt you-I mean shouldn'tyou consider what this could do to the Collective?Did that ever cross your mind?Are you that much of a egomaniac?"

He wasn't one,she knew that.She was trying to guilt trip him into agreeing to not seeing her nephew.Having control gave her some sort of soothing sensation that she never had.

"You want what's best for the Collective don't you?" Cursor asked.

Observer didn't answer as he stared at her.Cursor gritted her teeth.First her son,then her nephew.What would it take to get them away from them?She looked to her side as a plan formed.This could work.....

"Observer,honey,why don't you go check on Milo for me?" Cursor asked.

Observer was unnerved by Cursor's odd behavior.Sure she was a nut but this was odd even for her.He nodded as he got off the uncomfortable leather couch.The moment he stepped through the doorway a weight was lifted off his chest.The door slammed behind him and faded.Now what was that really about?

He looked behind him and shivered.There wasn't something right about this.He didn't know what,but it didn't settle right with him at all.Observer opened his own door to find a surprise waiting for him.


Hey guys/gals! Sorry the chapter's a little short,but I've got a big test tomorrow.

1: You confuse me

2: Everything.Such as why do you annoy me so much?Why do-

3 :Me jealous?Have you met me?

4:What's that?

5:Get it off!

6:So?Get it off Noah!

7:MaxwellI swear if you don't help me I'll-

8:Why'd you punch Noah?

This is Way_too_shy signing out!

Till next time!

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