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Okay just as a light warning that in this chapter will flip often between Noah's and Observer's third person point of view(P.O.V).Just keep you're eye out for certain details that'll let you know who's thoughts you're reading.


Two days later.....

Observer slipped on his shoes as he grabbed a water bottle off the desk.He never got why Cursor would scold him about the state of his room.She didn't do it to the others but then again it was probably her singling him out.Taking a long gulp Observer headed out into the hall.

The others were on other missions.Torturing people who knew the whereabouts of the journal, keeping those crazy followers on a tight rope,and trying to get Habit out of that dreary house,the ususal boring routine.This was actually the first day in months Observer didn't have to do something or deal with anyone's bull.

Only one problem: boredom.Watching TV now won't cure these symptoms. Observer jumped the last two steps and walked into the kitchen. Grabbing a bag of chips Observer walked out the backdoor.The door with his symbol appeared,opening by itself.

The door opened to show Maxwell's neighborhood. Observer frowned,dragging the door shut with his foot. He didn't want to go see Maxwell,beside the human asked to be left alone.Now the shadow may not have the best reputation but he kept his word when it's spoken,not recorded.Pushing the door handle down with his elbow Observer opened the door hoping for anywhere besides that blasted street.

To his disappointment it was again that blasted street.Observer shook his head.Why did the door have to have a mind of it's own at times?It was more persistent than the Collective was when it opened to a specific place twice.

'Time to try again.'Observer thought as he stepped out the door.

The moment his feet hit the ground the door vanished,tripping Observer in the process. Cussing under his breath Observer picked up his now empty bags of chips.

"Thanksdoor!" he said sarcasticly.

He threw the bag and empty water bottle away in a trash can at the end of a driveway.He looked down the asphalt to Maxwell's house. Perhaps it was time to try again.What's the worst that could happen anyways?A breathless laugh left Observer.Usually in the movies he watched that was last thing said before everything went wrong.

Walking down the street Observer saw a couple of kids run by him.One saying something about a rock the other listening to music.It was clear that the older was ignoring the younger,reminding him of someone else he knew.Not Maxwell,actually it was Firebrand and himself that he was comparing to the duo.Firebrand would go on about something stupid and Observer just flat out ignoring him.

He kept walking and even smiled to no one in particular. His footsteps seemed to become lighter as he strolled up Maxwell's driveway.He stopped when he saw an unfamiliar car.

His eyes landed on the car parked in Maxwell's driveway,making the shadow man a tad worried.Who owned that car?Was it someone from the government?Why was the neighborhood so calm with a shadow man in someone's driveway?

A gentle breeze blew Observer's hair into his face as he soothed his nerves.Sunlight beat against him,warming his clothes a great deal,not that it wasn't already hot as hell.Standing there for a moment Observer looked at the blue sky above him.Billowing clouds were in patches in the blue mass as they moved ever so slowly.

Observer smiled softly,his eyes taking in the scenery he hardly saw.Most times he was out it was either nightfall or rainy,very rarely was it daylight. He almost missed being human  just this under appreciated wonder.Almost.

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