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Nothing came close to this feeling.It was a jumbled up puzzle,one he didn't want to figure out,for he actually enjoyed the jumbled up emotions.Emotions he wasn't suppose to have.That's want they said,he wasn't suppose to have these emotions, these feelings,these thoughts.They wanted him to be molded into their imagine of 'normal'.

Whether it was the Collective or humans it was the same. If you were different you were viewed as a potential threat. Observer hated it,though he had these thoughts he never shared them.It would not have a good outcome if he did.

All he wanted to do was to just lie there,not even getting up for anything.In the back of his mind Observer knew that was not possible. He would have to get up some time,go back,and make some excuse why he was out again.

Even if he managed to get up a little he would be held back down by Maxwell.There was just no escaping the arms around him.Even if he could,he wouldn't want to leave anyways.What did that mean?Did these feelings he had have something to do with it?

Observer looked around the room.It was still really dark,indicating it was still night,or really early in the morning. The shadow probably had time to get back and say he went to bed early.

He looked at the arms.Could he pry them off without awaking Maxwell?There was no harm in trying.Observer started to pry the arms off of him when he heard Maxwell grumble and hug Observer closer to him.Observer sighed in defeat,this was not going according to plan,but that didn't mean he didn't like this delay.Smiling to himself Observer relaxed into the embrace.

It puzzled him beyond belief to him why he even came back here in the first place.The human was suppose to be part of a open and shut mission.How did it end up two people from opposing sides cuddling?

Did he even know?Did he want to know?Was the answer really giving up this odd feeling,this wonderfully odd feeling?

"Do you mind chilling out? I can barely here my thoughts over your rapid heartbeat," Maxwell grumbled.

"You'reawake?Whythehelldidyoumakeme-" Observer began.

"No one made anyone do anything."

Observer grumbled and scooted a little bit away from Maxwell.

"Oh no you don't," Maxwell said hugging him closer.

Observer began to speak when he bit his tongue. There was feeling of having to resist in him.So why protest to the statement? Observer tilted his head a little when he thought about it. This would tell Maxwell that he didn't mind,but it also might let Maxwell get a little too comfortable with this fact.It was decided. Observer resisted a little and Maxwell's grip became tighter.

This was true bliss.....


It pained him to know that it would never work.Noah had to become Firebrand one or another,it was just meant to be.If Noah had never become Firebrand, there was a chance that none of this would've happened.Maxwell probably would've lived a normal life.Who knows?! Maybe this path was better....

The Collective would be the same dysfunctional team with cracks.They would kill one another,if they didn't do the deeds themselves. The Keeper knew this.As soon as these vessels killed each other off he would place the entities in new hosts.It always happened.

It's what he did to Milo,his mother,Deadhead,Swain,and Kevin.The human side of their personalities never noticed the carry on luggage they had.Their friend's and family did.The slow,painful process of the human hosts becoming paranoid, losing themselves in madness,and then the sightings of the Keeper. Then the deaths...It was a tiring cycle.

The Keeper never got the journal. It would be a freak stroke of luck if he did. But that's not what fate has planned,not yet.

The entity twindled his knife as he stared up at the ceiling. There was no harm in letting them cherish their time together. After all it was once in a blue moon when the two souls met again.If he recalled correctly the last the two crossed paths was back before the Dark Ages.

He hummed softly,feeling the blade with his thumb.How would it end for these two this time?Will they finally be able to break the cycle?This vicious, repeative,boring cycle?

A small smile formed.The entity would love that.It would mean he can finally roam free,but atlas the journal would either found by the Keeper or burned.A lightbulb went off. That was it!He could get rid of the Keeper and burn the only object with how to bring him back!It was brilliant!If he knew where the journal was....

The smile fell and replaced with a grimace.Why was Noah needed to find the journal? He's only a human...A simple male human.

His eyes widened as the last word echoed in his mind.There was something blocking any being with powers from detecting the journal. It had to be a human to recover the journal.

Did he dare reveal his theory? Would he be looked at like a mad man?....Wasn't he already consider a mad man?

So many possibilities for the outcome. No need to dwell on it,he couldn't. Noah had to find the journal with some small hints.

But how would he get Observer away from the human for the plan to work?If the Collective member was with him the Keeper would likely get to the journal first.


He looked up at the cat.A plan's blueprints forming in mind.


1. You're awake?Why the hell did you make me-

I'm not dead! I know it's been awhile since I updated but hey,I get lazy during summer break.

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