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"Are you sure it's safe?"the hidden man asked.

The shadow man smiled and nodded.He had been watching the human known as Noah Maxwell.The human sparked his curiosity,which was difficult to do.The Collective member wondered what was so important that Maxwell would refuse the offer to become one of them.He would never understand human emotion.He had been gone for far too long to understand it anymore.

"When shall we reveal ourselves?"the woman asked.

The man scowled.He really dispised Cursor.He could never explain it.It could be the awful taste he got everytime he spoke her name,the way his mood would change just like that,or just the fact she betrayed her own kin.He couldn't blame Mr.Scars for shooting her when she was alive,well 'normal'.All she cared about was herself.That sickened him to his core.Why the Keeper would even bother keeping her around was a great mystery to him.He had enough servants as it is.Atlas he was stuck working with her.

"CursordidIauthorizeyoutocomeonthismission?"the usually smiling man asked.

"No,but-"Cursor began.


"No sir,but I-"


The woman bowed her head and muttered a 'Yes sir.'She turned and walked back into the darkness.When she was gone did the man relax.

"Deadheadwhatdidwedotohavetodealwithher?"the man asked.

"I don't know,"Deadhead admitted.

He blinked slowly while turning his attention back to the house.What did Maxwell have that they didn't?Why would Firebrand betray the Keeper to help the human?

"Deadhead,gomakesureMr.Scarsdoesn'tgetbotheredbyhismother,"the man said.

The masked man nodded and left.Leaving the other to watch the house curiously.He watched as the human walked out of his house with his troublesome camera in hand.Maxwell seemed to check his mail and looked around.Perhaps all the servalice they had been doing has finally affected the human.Maxwell quickly checked the side of his house and hurried back inside.The man chuckled and continued to observe the house.After all,he is the Observer.



1:Cursor did I authorize you to come on this mission?

2: Then should you be here?

3:Then go back. I'll send for you when we need your help.

4: Deadhead what did we do to have to deal with her?

5: Deadhead go make sure Mr.Scars doesn't get bothered by his mother,

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