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The wind howled,branches scrapped against the glass windows,and a certain scarred man was digging through old case files.He was searching for anything on his associate,Observer,by hand.It might take awhile but it was worth it.Missing persons cases,murders, and even unsolved kidnappings were searched to be sure.Slamming the drawer shut he relentlessly began searching the box in his lap.

"No,no,definitely not,," Mr.Scars whispered to himself.

He was close to giving up when he saw the name on the last file.It rung a bell so hard it was like he had gotten smacked with that bell.Mr.Scars plucked out the file and opened it in his lap.Lighting flashed,illuminating the man's scowl.How the hell was picture not available?

Faded eyes scanned the information provided,his scowl becoming more prominent. Figures,some cops were just racist bastards.He kept reading to discover that this 'Kevin' was from out of town,thus adding to Mr.Scars quest.He put the lid back on,slid the box into place on the metal rack,and removed evidence of his presence.

Reaching up under a disable security camera he yanked off a jammer.He put the device in his messager bag.Should be plenty of time before the camera reactivates.He unlocked the window and leaned out.Good,not a lot of wind.He put his hand on the window still when he knocked over a lamp.

"Who's there?" a voice ordered as he cussed under his breath.

Footsteps rounded the corner revealing a old and drained man.Dark brown eyes closed lazily as the window slammed shut.The man's wrinkled features crinkled as he walked over and shut the window.A depressed sigh left him as he leaned against it for support.

"Darn kids...." he muttered locking the window.

The man flipped off the lights as he shut the wooden door labeled 'Cold Cases'.His footsteps venture back down the hall leaving the dark room silent.A minute passed before the door opened again,fleeing from it a dark figure. The figure slipped out the back door and disappeared into the night.


Mr.Scars kept rereading Kevin's case repeatedly.All it said from the report was some friend reported him missing a few years ago.Apparently this friend couldn't provide a last name or address either,some friend.From the lack of paperwork in the folder Mr.Scars concluded the investigation went cold in about two weeks of it's opening.The scarred individual groaned as he rubbed his temples This whole case would have to be looked at with a new angle for him to be able to go anywhere with this. Otherwise it's down the drain for this case.

"Alright then.Here we go..." a nearly inaudible whispered left Mr.Scars.

He grabbed the first report that described the last time Kevin had been seen alive.His eyes skimmed the less important details as he read,by the end he wanted to kick the Keeper's antique lamp next to him.This report was almost utterly useless.

All it said was that Kevin was last seen heading to his hotel room and wasn't seen again.It was just like he just vanished.Poof! Just like that.Mr.Scars threw the file onto the table,making a loud smack sound.Throwing his head back and he pulled at his hair.

"Cranky much?" a voice pondered.

The scarred man's faded eyes glared at the masked figure leaning against the wall.

"What do you think?" he snapped.

Deadhead stood there for a moment,each second he stood there the higher Mr.Scars' blood pressure rised.He was not in the mood for this.

"I think you've gone twenty four hours without sleep or eating.So if that's the case I recommend soup and some sleep," the  hooded man said as if nothing was wrong.

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