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The wind beat violently against the form in foliage. The dark formed approached a lone tower. He climbed up and ducked under an orange mesh blockade. Leaning against the rail he over the whole park on this dark night. Soon another figure appeared from the shadows and sat on the bench behind him.

"You wanted to talk?Go on HABIT," he said disinterestedly.

HABIT growled softly at the lack of interest,but supposed he couldn't blame Firebrand. After all,HABIT was about as trustworthy as a rickety bridge over a canyon with an alligator invested river far below. Even so the alligator would be more trustworthy.


The traitor nodded hesitantly. The palpable feeling of distrust hung in the air,only adding to the tension, possibly making the situation more likely to spontaneously combust before it could work out. That really would be a shame.

"WELL I HAVE AN IDEA," the entity stated.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The simplest things in life have the most beauty,going unappreciated until it's gone into an abyss of madness and dark intentions. Then the abyss starts twisting them in hallucinations that torture you to no end,only going away if your life expired. Or you got dragged to the lower levels and brought to a living nightmare. Forced to obey masters that gave you orders you didn't wish to follow. Forced to act like everything is perfect with it's imperfect bond between multiple people that had no reason to trust one another.

For awhile everything seemed fine,then the cracks started showing at a snail's pace,only to get worse when one starts spending every night out,one be trying their cause, and another caring too much for another. The mirror is close to shattering,once shattered discord will over come them all. Dragging them further into their madness,until they turned on each other and ended one another.

These things were quite clear to the oldest of the Collective. He watched silently,trying to keep a grip on his programmed mindset,avoiding the troublemakers. Which was quite difficult seeing how Cursor was the only one left that hadn't lost the will to carry out orders,but it was fading away,just like his was. Don't they all realize that once the Keeper realizes that this problem has spread to the others that they would be disposed of? Or was this just another crackpot idea of a paranoid man?

He twitched,looking over his shoulder. He needed to continue researching a cure. Observer needed to come to his senses and lead them,forget the human,and find the journal. Then they'd all be free. Free to do whatever they wished,then the....No,the human would be dead if the Keeper got the journal.

Speaking of the Observer,where is he? The man's eyes darted around the room searching for the shadow. He scowled seeing he wasn't there. This was a council meeting, Observer was suppose to be here no matter what. That human was becoming more than a nuisance, it was turning into a massive problem. The elders don't seem to notice,he wanted to badly to mention the missing member's absence,but he was ordered not to speak.

Firebrand was a problem as well,but if he got rid of the human two birds would be dead and all would be right with the world. He couldn't act alone,he wasn't a leader,but a follower. He needed someone to give him orders,he was dependant on others. A model Collective member,one that the others should follow suit. He smiled. Yes,then the cracks would fade away. That smile faded. They should've been like him from the get go!

Fists clenched,drawing blood from how hard nails dug into the skin. He'd bring them back,he would have to. This situation was spiraling out of control. He needed them to come to their senses, but how could he make them see? Why couldn't they see that it was wonderful the way it was? There was no denying it. He was going to see it through.

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