Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"m-om" jiyen stuttered her word in fear and the pregnancy test dropped from her grip, "Jiyen! What's this?" your mom asked with full of anger, jiyen just gluped her dry throat, her heart was beating faster, "pregnant? You're pregnant jiyen? Tell me is this what I taught you? TELL ME JIYEN IS THIS WHAT I TAUGHT YOU AH? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS??" your mom asked with disappointment and shamed, "mom I am sorry!" jiyen said with tears flowing down her cheeks as she kneeled down in front of your mom,

"Do you think your sorry can bring back what you lost jiyen? Did you even think about us before doing this? You have disappointed me jiyen! Do you even know how y/n would feel ah? She threw her dreams just for you and Hyun's dream! She forced herself to carry all the burden on her! Do you think she is willing ah? No one would do this but she is doing it for you Hyun! She has alot of trust in you that's why she always allows you to go anywhere you want! Even if I stop you she fights for you because SHE TRUSTED YOU but guess what you have done! You broke it like a glass jiyen! "your mom said with tears glitter in her eyes.

Jiyen was sobbing," now what can you do jiyen? You have already ruined the trust! You have ruin your own life! "your mom said, just the Hyun came from his room" mom? Noona why are you crying? Mom what's going on? "Hyun asked confusely, your mom looked at jiyen before answering Hyun" your noona has ruined our reputation Hyun! She has destroyed y/n's trust on her! "your mom said" what do you mean mom? "Hyun asked, your mom showed him jiyen's pregnancy test" what noona you're pregnant? How can you do this! Y/n noona is gonna be very disappointed on you! "Hyun said in full of shock and disappointment.

Meanwhile," Y/n! "your boss said as he entered the restaurant," boss? What are you doing here? "you asked as you bow, he smiled" why can't I visit my workers? "he asked" ah i didn't mean like that you don't usually come before calling us that's why "you said awkwardly" ah actually today is my son's birthday so I decided to give you all a half day and some special allowance "your boss said" oh please tell him my wishes! "you said" of course I will now take your bag and go home! Manager has been telling me that you worked so hard this week so you can take 2 days off! Don't worry I won't touch your salary! "your boss said" thank you boss! You're so kind "you said" it's pleasure here enjoy with your family "your boss said" sure boss thanks! "you said with bow.

Since your boss let you go early, you decide to buy some things for your Sliblings," hope they will like it! "you said with a smile. Then you made your way to your apartment, as soon as you reach your apartment, you saw your mom sitting on the couch with her eyes sore." mom what happened? Why is your eyes sore? Hyun might telling me what's happening "you asked. Hyun look at your mom" Hyun tell me what happened! "you said with little voice rise," noona actually jiyen noona i-" Hyun was cut off by your mom," y/n jiyen is pregnant!" your mom said, your eyes widened" WHAT? "you asked in shock, then you saw jiyen walking toward the living room, "jiyen what mom said is true??" you asked hoping that your mom was joking but her response broke you,
"yes unnie please forgive me!" jiyen said with sobbing.

To be continued

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