Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

His step mom clutch her fist, "how dare she speak to me in that manner? Does she know my plans? If she does then I have to kill her otherwise she will report me to the cop, why did I even choose her to marry him? Ughh what should I do? I must do something to her before she does" his step mom said to herself as she bite her lower lip in frustration. "shall we go baby" you said with a smile "yes y/nissh" jungkook said, then you drive to your mom's apartment, "y/nissh why are you sweating alot?" jungkook asked as he saw your uncomfortable state, you were kinda nervous as you don't know how would your mom react when she saw you and jungkook in her apartment but you were hoping for her to understand you. "it's just hot weather that's why I am sweating alot" you said with a smile to cover up, "oh okay then! I thought you were not well" jungkook said, "I am feeling fine baby" you said as you held his hand while driving to your mom's apartment.

As soon as you reached your mom's apartment, you took a deep breath and walked with jungkook, then you knocked on the door, few in seconds later your mom opened the door, "mom?" you said, "what are you doing here?" she asked as she looked at jungkook, "can't I visit my mom with my husband? Is there any rule?" you asked your mom just rolled her eyes and moved aside so you and jungkook could come in, as you enter the house you smiled "okay will you tell why are you here?" your mom asked as she crossed her arm against her chest, "mom I know you're mad and upset but I need to tell you something about jungkook" you said as you look at jungkook, "what about him?" your mom asked, "jungkook ah come here" you said as you bring him to your mom, "mom he wasn't born with health problems, it's all happened because of his step mom" you said as you caressed jungkook's hand, your mom looked at you in confused

"he is pure innocent boy mom he just wants to be loved but his step mom abused him I got to know this by the head maid of the mansion, so tell me mom did I do something wrong by marrying him? I want to protect him and love him with my full of heart is that wrong? Tell me mom can't you see his innocent face? "you asked, jungkook just look down, your mom felt guilty for her reaction in the past" I am very sorry y/n! And jungkook please forgive me I thought you're harm to my daughter that's why I disagree about this marriage but I didn't know that you had suffered so much "your mom said," mom it's okay I forgive you "you said with a smile" yes aunty I forgive you because you're so kind! "jungkook said with his Bunny smile," you did choose the right boy for you y/n "your mom said as she pat jungkook's cheek, you blushed

" mom where is Hyun? "you asked" he went to school it's almost time for him to come home I will go make something for you both why don't you bring him to your room? "your mom said" sure mom! Jungkook come with me "you said as you brought him to your old room," jungkook ah this was my room! "you said with a smile" it's beautiful "jungkook said as he looked around," beautiful? My mom should have clean it up as I know it's was pretty messy "you said with awkward smile," it's okay "jungkook said as he looked at your baby pictures" is this you y/nissh? "jungkook asked" yes it's me am I cute? "you asked" yes! "jungkook said as he giggled." kook come I have many baby pictures of me "you said as you sit on your bed with your ablum which you keep in the nightstand table.

Jungkook sit beside you and you showed him all your pictures even your Sliblings pictures," see this was when I refused to take a shower! Back then I was very naughty" you said as you giggle, jungkook saw how beautiful you were while smiling, he didn't understand why does his heart always makes him go crazy whenever he is with you, "kookie are you okay?" you asked "yes!" jungkook said, "okay see this I was wearing my dad's shoes haha" you said while laughing, jungkook wanted to give you a peck on your cheeks but you turned your face making his kiss to land on your lips.

You both look at each other with widened eyes at the wrong moment your brother entered the room making it even awkward and embarrassing, "OH SORRY NOONA! MOM! NOONA IS KISSING HYUNG!" hyun said while running to your mom, you immediately back off and jungkook was so red "y/nissh I didn't mean to kiss your lips I just wanted to kiss your cheek! Please don't be mad!" jungkook said with tears in his eyes, "hey kookie it's okay I am not mad at you I am just shocked  cause it's my first kiss" you said shyly, "really me too!" jungkook said awkwardly.  "what?" your mom said, "yeah I accidentally entered the room and I saw them kissing" Hyun said, "noo mom don't believe him!" you said as you rushed to the kitchen with jungkook, "what I am not lying I saw it with my eyes! Hyung kiss your lips!" Hyun said jungkook's cheek turned red even yours, "alright Hyun their married so don't make it big deal" your mom said "mom believe me! It's was accident" you said "yeah yeah I believe it just sit down" your mom said, you pout and look at your brother madly.

-Skipping time -

You and jungkook spend a lot of time in your mom's apartment until it's was night, "I think we should leave now" you said "why can't you stay here for tonight? Look at the sky it's seem like it's will rain heavily" your mom said just before you open your mouth, the rain starts to pour heavily, "see I told you" your mom said, "y/nissh let's stay here!" jungkook said "noona even hyung said to stay what are you scared about ah?" Hyun asked "I am not scared okay? But jungkook won't have comfortable clothes" you said "don't worry noona I have extra clothes for hyung" he said "just stay here for tonight" your mom said

To be continued

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