Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

In the park,
"isn't this place gives us peace Ethan?" you asked while looking around, "y/n will you share me with your pain?" Ethan asked "what do you mean Ethan?" you asked with a soft smile "what happened to you? You're not the real y/n that I know! This smile isn't real you're hiding something I know please take me as your good friend y/n and tell me maybe the pain will less down" Ethan said worriedly, you tried to act bold in front of Ethan but his word was all true, you're not the old y/n your smile isn't real you're just faking yourself that everything is fine or will be fine, you immediately break down your emotional, "y/n its okay not to be okay sometimes just let it out!" Ethan said as he caressed your hand, you look at Ethan with all of untoldable pain in your eyes, "what happened to your life?" Ethan asked again as he was hoping for a answer, You decided to share everything that happened to you.

As soon as you finish telling him everything, his eyes were glittered with tears "I didn't know you had faced this much of pain in such a young age y/n!" Ethan said as he held your hand "it's just my fate we can't do anything about it but just move on with my life *you look at him* omg Ethan I don't know I made you cry please don't cry!" you said "yeah I won't! I am glad you are trying your best to move on" Ethan said with a smile as he wipe his eyes. "so how are you doing?" you asked "I am doing well as you see I am the new ceo of my mom's company" Ethan said "wow you must be busy I guess do you have girlfriend?" you asked "nah I am already busy with my business there is no time for girlfriend" Ethan said making you chuckled "well let's see about that!" you said with your smile, Ethan just admire you smiling, suddenly you felt a kick

"ugh" you groaned as you held your belly, "y/n are you okay? Does your belly Hurt?" he asked worriedly, you just smiled "no my little bunny is kinda active that's why he is kicking me! Do you wanna feel it?" you asked, Ethan didn't know what to say so he just nod and you brought his hand to your belly, he felt your baby's kick "did you feel it? He is just like his daddy!" you said with a smile while caressing your belly, Ethan smiled "yeah I guess he is gonna be soccer player" Ethan said, you just laugh "soccer player? Haha I don't think so" you said with a smile. "y/n you should smile more often with this real smile" Ethan said, you just smile little and look at your time "oh crap I have to go Ethan maybe we can meet up sometime hnm?" you said "oh sure let me drop you" Ethan said "no worries Ethan I will just manage myself anyway thanks for listening to my pain and made me smile" you said "it's my pleasure to make you feel better and are you sure you can manage your own?" Ethan asked.

"of course I am a strong girl!" you said as you show him your arm muscle, he just chuckled "okay my strong lady here this is my name card anything just call me okay? Don't be shy to ask for help" Ethan said, you nod with smile "sure bye!" you said "bye take care" Ethan said as he watch you leaving. "I know there is no place for another man but I will be your friend maybe in next birth I want us to be one!" Ethan said with smile. Meanwhile, "jungkook are you ready to go back to Korea?" his step mom asked with smirking "of course mom!" jungkook said with smirking "good! But I won't be able to come as I need to handle some things so uncle Matthew and the guards will follow you" his step mom said. "okay mom!" jungkook said "jungkook I have already prepared mansion for us! No one will know about us!" Matthew said "that's good uncle shall we go korea for our revenge?" jungkook asked with smirking.

- Skipping 2days later -

"mom I am going for a night walk in the park" you said as you start wearing your coat "now? Wait Hyun will go with you" your mom said "no mom I wanna go alone I just want to be alone please mom" you said with doe eyes "alright but be careful okay?" your mom said "yes I will!" you said as you took your wallet and your phone with you before leaving the apartment. You walked alone with the cool wind blowing making your hair moving, you look at the moon and smiled "kookie are you happy to see me doing great? I know you will! Although I am doing great I am dying inside! No matter how much I tried to move on I can't like I said my love for you is unconditional! I won't stop loving you even if you are not with me! Your love is living in my heart and our love is growing in me! "you said with beads of tears flowing down your cheek, your nose was red due to cold weather.

" but some part of me is telling me that you're still alive! And you will definitely come to me! If that's happens I will be the happiest girl on this planet you know kookie" you said with a smile, you opened your arms to feel the wind, you felt like jungkook hugging you through the wind which made you sobbing badly, your pregnancy hormone made your emotional even more difficult then usual. Otherside, jungkook reached Korea as he step on the ground he felt like his heart was telling hjm something but he couldn't figure it out. "shall we go?" Matthew asked "yeah sure uncle" jungkook said as he covered his face with a mask. While traveling in the car to the mansion, he admire the night view with a smile "why do I feel like my heart aches when I step in Korea? Does this has any meaning?" jungkook asked himself

To be continued

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