Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

" this made your step mom mad but she didn't show it to your mom, after graduation your dad proposed to your mom and they got married, this only made your step mom lost her patience, she couldn't see her love getting married to someone else, that when she decided to ruin your parent's love, happiness their peace! She act as good as she could just to be destroyed them, your mom got pregnant with you and your father was very happy about the pregnancy he made a great celebration for that, your dad became ceo of his dad's company, your dad said that your mom was his perfect partner and also a luck of his life, your step mother has become a obsessed on your dad, that night when your mother was about 8 and half month of pregnancy, your step mom came to visit her knowing that your dad was very busy with the business, your mother also thought your step mom as her own sister

But your step mom didn't think in that way as she was blind with her love!, she pushed your mom from the stairs not even caring about her pregnancy, due to the push your mom had loss of blood, your step mom fake act in front of your dad that your mom accidentally slipped and fall when she came to visit her, your mom had to go for c section as she and you were in danger, the doctor already said that he can only save either you or mom, your dad broke into tears and your step mom took this as her opportunity and calm your dad, due to heavy loss of blood your mom didn't made it and ony you were saved, your dad didn't wanted to remarried as his heart was only for your mom but due his business deals he couldn't take care of you and your grandfather asked your dad to get married to your step mom as she always takes care of you

Your dad told her that he married her for you only not for himself as his love is only for your mom, your step mom was very jealous of your mom, she always tried to get your dad in her bed but nothing work when you were about 6 years old she drugged your dad and made him sleep with her that's how she got pregnant with lseul! Your dad wanted her to abort as he only wants you to his son but your step mom puts on her fake tears and your dad agreed to keep the baby! Once she gave birth to lseul, she didn't even care about you and you wanted mother's love, your dad wasn't staying home due to his business, one day you wanted to see the baby so you got on the bed and accidentally drop your toy on the baby which caused him to cry and your step mom start beating you up and your dad just came home and saw her beating you, he came and protect you he yelled at her and her response made your dad to change all his wealth on your name but you can take the money when you have a child

Your step mom got to know this and she was very mad and she decided to do something that's when she called me and told me about your mom death and your dad over heard it and he wanted to report her to police but she killed by pillow and told every one that he dead by sudden heart attack! Not all that she was the main reason for your both accident! That day she called me and told me to kill y/n as you start to  suspen her so she plan to kill you but her plan didn't go well that when she decided to separate you and y/n! And make you kill her! I did everything for her because I had feelings for her but she didn't show me as a man but a friend only! " Matthew said. You were shocked by his step mom behavior," how could she do this to my parents! Because of her I lost my parents! She even plan to take my y/n away! "jungkook said with tears and pain, you hugged him to calm him down you feel his pain.

" I WON'T LET HER LIVE PEACE AFTER DESTROYING MY FAMILY! I WILL KILL HER WITH MY OWN HAND AND YOU MATTHEW YOU KNEW EVERYTHING BUT YOU SUPPORT HER JUST BECAUSE YOU LOVE HER? HOW CAN YOU EVEN SLEEP WELL AFTER KNOWING ABOUT MY PARENT'S DEATH? I WANNA KLL YOU BUT I WON'T DO IT NOW BECAUSE I NEED YOU FOR THIS MISSION! I WANT YOU TO CALL THAT BITCH YOU NEED TO TALK LIKE HOW I TELL YOU "jungkook yelled with his demon voice making you flinched but you totally understand him. Matthew knew he made a huge mistake so he decided to follow what jungkook tells him." I want you to call her and ask her to come to this mansion! Tell her that we captured y/n and say that I want her to come to take revenge on y/n for dad's death! Don't you dare to mess up!" jungkook said with husky voice.  Matthew nodded and called his step mom,

* on the call*" hello binna! "Matthew said" hey Matthew how is everything going on? Is jungkook having any headaches? If he does then make sure you give him the pill cause I don't want him to remember his past! "his step mom said" yeah I know he isn't have any headaches I called you because we have already captured y/n and jungkook wants you to come so that you can take revenge "Matthew said making his step mom laugh evily" such a stupid boy doesn't even know I am the reason for every thing that happened in his life yet he wants me to take revenge on his so called lovely wife! Well anyway I am coming! "step mom said with smirking," okay see you "Matthew said and jungkook ends the call." BITCH COME FASTER! I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HAND! "

To be continued
1 or 2 parts this ff will end

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