Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"i won't give you what you want Mrs jeon! I will definitely make jungkook back to his real state and I will make you suffer for ruining his precious life! Without you realizing you made me marry this precious boy! I will never leave him no matter what! Because I have fallen in love with him like I am drowning in the ocean, no one can help me! My love for jungkook is unconditional! I will protect him with my whole life "you thought to yourself as you watch jungkook looking through the car window at the beautiful view, you smiled and got closer to him," are you enjoying the view kookie? "you asked

" yes it's so beautiful but kookie have not been anywhere before "jungkook said with pout, you touch his chubby cheeks" kookie now I am with you, you will go everywhere like everyone I will make you feel the most happiest person okay? So don't be sad just forget everything that happens to you I know it's very hard as you went through alot from now onwards I won't let you suffer again your life is gonna be better "you said with a smile" thank you y/nishh "jungkook said as he hugged you, you smile as you caressed his back. Then the driver stopped the car" mdm we have reached the destination "he said" kookie come we have reached "you said" okay "jungkook said, then you both got out of the car," you don't have to wait you can leave I will come home in a cab"you said to the driver "okay mdm have a good time" he said with a smile, you nodded.

"wow y/nissh this place is so beautiful!" jungkook said with his Bunny smile, "not as beautiful as you kookie" you said with a smile, "shall we go play in the water?" you asked with smirking, "yes!" jungkook said, then you run with him to the water, you both splash the water on each other, laughing happily in your life you have never laughed so happy ever since your dad passed away but now you don't feel like that, jungkook presence made you feel like the most happiest girl in the world, after playing in the water, you both layed on the sand "it's so fun y/nissh" jungkook said with unsteady breathe, you admire his beautiful angel face, his cute nose, his kissable lip the way his chest goes up by his heavy breath, you couldn't stop admiring him every single detail about him was elegant,

"y/nissh are you okay?" jungkook asked as he looked into your eyes, his adorable orbs stare was killing you, "kookie why are you so handsome you're killing me with your looks! Do you know that! You're playing with my poor heart kookie" you said as you caresse his face, he start feeling his heart pounding faster as if it would pop out, you look at him with love intense affection, everything around you both didn't bother you lean towards him and was about to kiss him, *bell sound* you immediately got back to your sense, "hm kookie let's go get ice-cream?" you asked as you got up making him blink few times, you dragged him to ice-cream van, "what flavor do you want kookie?" you asked "chocolate" jungkook said "okay give us 2 chocolate ice cream" you said then you payed for the ice cream,

"so you like the ice-cream?" you asked "yes it's delicious" jungkook said like a little child, you chuckled. "y/nissh I am done!" jungkook said, "oh dear kookie the chocolate is every where" you said as you wipe off his mouth, "thank you y/nissh kookie feels so happy" jungkook said "aww I will do anything for my kookie's happiness!" you said he smiled "cute kookie!" you said as you pinch his chubby cheeks, "ouch y/nissh" jungkook whined "heh sorry kookie" you said as you kiss his cheek making him blush.
- skipping tjme to dinner - "y/nissh will you feed kookie?" jungkook asked "of course I will feed my baby!" you said with a smile, he smiled shyly all the guards and maids were admiring you both, you took care of jungkook like a baby, other hand his step mom thought of playing along but she didn't know what's going on all she was expecting you to give her a child,

Few months went, jungkook got too close with you, he felt save in your embrace he doesn't want to leave you, he just stick with you like a glue, with your love he start to change little and got to know about the world, jiyen and lseul was doing well, jiyen was about 4 months pregnant, you were happy for her but you were still upset that your mom didn't even ask anything about you, you know she is unhappy about your marriage but you want her to know about jungkook's condition, so you decided to bring jungkook with you, "kookie let's go to my mom's house" you said "but don't your mom hates me?" jungkook asked "aww she doesn't hate you she is just acting like that!" you said

"really then okay let's go!" jungkook said "sure!" you said as you pat his hair, once you both got ready "oh crap I forgot my phone, kookie you go wait for me in the car" you said "okay" jungkook said as he went to the car, while you were looking for your phone, his step mom came "Y/n why can't you give me a grandchild? It's be 4 months of your marriage life yet you haven't give me a good new?" she asked "Mrs jeon it's my body my life my choice so don't interfere in it! Anyway it's just 4 months not 4 years or more if you're so eager to have a grandchild then wait iseul will give you grandchild soon!" you said boldly. "How dare you talk to me like this! Don't forget you married my son!" she said, you scoffed "son? It's actually step son! Don't call yourself as mom when you can't even give him a mom's love!" you said his step mom look at you madly, "might your words y/n! You have no idea what you are saying" she said "I know what I said and it's might alot to you! Well I have to go once I come back I need to talk to you" you said before leaving her.

To be continued

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