Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"what are you here for officer??" step mom asked nervously yet she covered it up, " madam we are here to arrest you" the officer said "what? What did I do? How can you arrest me?" his step mom asked in shock, "madam we have the proof of what you have done! You killed Mr jeon with pillow and you made the doctor to say he died in heart attack also you have abused jeon jungkook since he was a child!" the officer said, "No! It's not the truth I didn't do anything it's all fake news officer!" his step mom said "stop lying Mrs jeon oh I mean ms binna!" you said with smirking "YOU BITCH HOW DARE YOU!" his step mom yelled as the officer handcuffed her "people like deserve to be in jail not here you got it? Officers bring this unwanted attention away to its respective place" you said with smirking,

"NOOO!" his step mom screamed as she opened her eyes, her forehead was filled on with bead of sweat "what the freak I dream! I need to get rid of y/n! She is my enemy! I am afraid she would find out what I did to mr jeon! Before that I have to do some things to her, is home already?" his step mom asked herself as she wipe her sweat off. His step mom made her way to the kitchen to look for head maid as she knew y/n was close with her," hey! "his step mom said" madam? Morning is there anything I can help with? "the head maid asked" yes is y/n and jungkook back home? "she asked" oh no madam she texted me last night that she will stay in her mom's apartment as its was raining heavily I am sorry for not informing you "the head maid said, last night you text her about staying at your mom's apartment so that they wouldn't worry about you and jungkook.

" hmm okay get me a coffee "his step mom said as she walk away from the kitchen," what happened to madam? She kinda looks like possessed by ghost "the head maid said to herself while making coffee. While walking to her room, she saw one of her car was missing so she called her guard" hey did y/n took the audi car? "his step mom asked" yes madam"the guard said "okay" she said and went to her room, "I know what to do to her!" she said with smirking. Then she took her phone and called someone, *on the phone * "hello Matthew!" his step mom said "hello binna did you just remember about my existence? As you didn't called me for couple years?" Matthew asked sarcastically, his step mom rolled her eyes "look Matthew I don't have time to fight with you, I need your help" she said "help? How can I help you with" he asked "I need you to....."

At your mom's apartment,
You limped to kitchen where your mom and Hyun was sitting, they were trying their best not to laugh "morning" you said with awkward smile "morning take sit" your mom said, "what's for breakfast?" you asked, then jungkook came and sit beside you "morning!" jungkook said with his cute bunny smile, "morning jungkook" your mom said "sandwiches" your mom said while eating you saw Hyun was giggling to himself "Hyun what's so funny?" you asked confusely "uh nothing noona!" he said, "mom what happened to you both?" you asked "actually I suppose to ask you and jungkook that" your mom said "ugh?" you asked "noona you and hyung was quite loud we couldn't sleep well last night" Hyun said making you and jungkook to choke, "aish Hyun!" your mom said "what I am saying the truth" Hyun said "it's getting late go for your school" your mom said making Hyun to leave. You and jungkook smile awkwardly "hey don't be uncomfortable it's natural tho!" your mom said

"hmm mom I think we should go" you said "now so fast?" your mom asked "yeah they have missed called us so it's better to leave now" you said "okay then take care of yourself come again" your mom said "yeah sure you too!" you said with a smile "bye aunty see you again!" jungkook said "see you too jungkook bye!" your mom said as she watched you both leaving the apartment. As soon as you got in the car with jungkook, "it's soo embarrassing!" you said "yeah sorry it's was my fault" jungkook said "it's fine kookie let's go home I am very tired" you said he just nodded. While driving, the opposite car came with the over speed,

"NOOO!" was all can be heard, your car and that car crushed and you were bleeding profusely, "Jun-gkook" you mumbled but you didn't get any response from him, and fainted. In the hospital, your mom, jiyen, lsuel, the head maid and his step mom rushed to the hospital as soon as they got the news. "jiyen what did they do to deserve this?" your mom cried on jiyen's shoulder "mom please stay strong" she said, "they both are so innocent souls!" his step mom said with fake cry "mom don't worry everything will be fine!" lsuel said. - back to the what his step mom said - "I want you kill a girl her name is Wang y/n!" his step mom said "kill her? What would I get in return?" Matthew asked "100k just end her life she went in audi car number xxxs in that car my son is also in so be careful" his step mom said "okay leave it to me!" Matthew said "okay" his step mom said with smirking.

*present *
The doctor came from the operation room, eveyone rushed to the doctor "what happened to them?" Hyun asked "Ms y/n is alive but her leg are injured and she needs to be bed rest for some days" the doctor said "thank God what happened jungkook??" his step mom asked the doctor sigh "I am sorry but he didn't make it" the doctor said making everyone shocked his step mom fake cried "WHAT? NOOO MY SON!" she said as she cried "noo what will I tell her! How will she accept this?" your mom asked with tears

To be continued

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