Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

In the hospital,
"doctor how is my daughter?" your mom asked worriedly, "it's nothing serious it's all a good new your daughter is pregnant" the doctor said with a smile "what pregnant?" your mom asked "yes congrats she can go home in few hours I will give her some vitamins as her body is weak she needs to take care of herself if not it's will cause miscarriage" the doctor said. "thank you doctor" your mom said as she went to your ward, she saw you in unconscious state, she caressed your hair "I am very sorry for bringing you to this cruel world! You lost your husband in such a young age not even a month you're carrying a life in you" your mom said with tears glittered in her eyes, few minutes later you woke up and saw yourself in the hospital bed "mom why am I in hospital?" you asked your mom who was preparing you some fruits

, "y/n you have to take care of yourself because you're not alone there is a life growing in you! Jungkook didn't leave you he made someone to protect you and love you which is growing in your belly! You're pregnant y/n" your mom said, you touched your belly "this what he meant by not leaving me mom? He gave me a angel! Of course I will take care of myself for this baby" you said with tears yet a smile, your mom hugged you and your close your eyes with tears "I really miss him mom! Why must God have to take him this early? Why?" you asked "we can't do anything about God's fate y/n you have to go through this at least for your child you need to!" your mom said. You smile bitterly "I will for my child" you said,

Meanwhile in other country,
Jungkook starts to move his fingers and his eyes slowly opened, "omg doctor! Patient jeon is awake from coma!" nurse who was taking notes said to the doctor, "what? That's unbelievable! We need to call his mom" the doctor said as he rushed to jungkook's ward, "hi Mr jeon" the doctor said jungkook look at the doctor confusely "who are you? What am I doing here? What's my name?" jungkook asked as he didn't remember anything about his past. "oh dear he must have forgotten everything about himself and his past" the doctor said "Mr jeon your name is jeon jungkook don't worry you had a accident and you went into coma for couple of days and now you're woke up we will call your mom so just take a rest" the doctor said.

"hmm okay" jungkook said as he rest on the bed and the doctor went to his room to call his step mom who was in Korea. - on the phone - "hello Mrs jeon I am doctor Sam" doctor said "oh hello doctor how is my son?" his step mom asked, "there is two new about your son one is sad and another wants is good new" the doctor said "what?" she asked "the good new is your son is awake from coma but the sad want is he doesn't remember anything from his past he completely forgot about himself" the doctor said "well that's still a good new for me! I will come there in 2days time" she said "uh okay sure" doctor said and his step mom ended the call with smirking "I am gonna change him completely to a new person!" she said with smirking, "what type of mom say it's good new?" the doctor thought himself.

His step mom told everyone in the mansion that she have important deals about business in that country so she might not be in Korea for some time. In the country, his step mom went to the hospital," where is my son? "she asked the doctor" this way madam"the doctor said as he brought her to his ward, jungkook was looking at the window, his step mom start to put on her show, "jungkook my son!" she said as she walked to him, "mom?" jungkook asked "yes jungkook how are you? Did you mom was very worried! I am glad you're doing well!" she said with fake smile "mom don't be sad I am well!" jungkook said as he smiled at her.

Then she decided to fake cry "jungkook your dad didn't made it in this accident because..." she said while crying "mom what do you mean? Who killed my dad?" jungkook asked "it's was a girl her name is Wang y/n she was asking for our wealth but your dad didn't give her so she planned this accident! You're alive but your dad didn't!" she said. Jungkook became so mad he literally forgot about you and believe whatever his step mom told him. She saw how he got mad," I AM GONNA KILL HER! "jungkook said" no you can't! "she said" why? Why can't I? "jungkook asked" you have to trainer yourself to fight with her! You need to be a MAFIA! "she said.

To be continued

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