Biker Baby | Chapter Four

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Lucy_Pearl Copyright © 2016

Chapter Four

She found the living room just as she saw it before. The huge TV sat mounted on the wall, it was about seventy to eighty inches and probably got great reception. She looked at the beige couches that sat in the room. They looked clean and expensive, and not wanting to dirty them, she decided to sit on the floor. She grabbed the remote off of the glass coffee table behind her. She got the first remote and pressed the red button at the top towards the TV, but nothing happened.

There were four others, so she tried the second one, still nothing. She tried another one but the lights just dimmed so she sat that down. She grabbed the other one and the stereo underneath the TV flipped on and a loud rap song came on, she quickly turned it off and grabbed the last remote. She pointed it at the TV and once again nothing happened. She kept pressing the green button at the top. This had to be the correct remote, it was the last one. She kept pressing the button, thinking maybe she had to press it twice for the TV to come on. She pressed it agai–

"Who the hell keeps opening the fucking garage!" she suddenly heard. She examined down at the remote in her hand. It had no other buttons on it except for a red and green button.

Her eyes almost bugged out of her head as she looked down at the remote in her hand. She flipped it over and low and behold, on the back was printed "Garage." She sat the remote on the table and acted like she never touched it. Who the heck keeps a Garage remote in the living room? You can't even see the garage from the living room! She got up and went towards the TV, maybe she'll find a button that turns it on. And no luck. She touched the side and underneath, still no bumps that told her how to turn it on. She tried to reach the top, but the TV was too big.

"You have to plug it in before you turn it on," she turned around and saw Jacks standing in the door way. He had a gray T-shirt on and his hair looked wet. Isabelle looked down at the TV and followed the cord that was coming out the back. It led her to an outlet, an outlet that it wasn't plugged into. Wow. She could feel her cheeks warm up with embarrassment because of her stupidity. She plugged in the TV and looked back at him.

"Thanks," she mumbled. He shook his head and crossed the threshold into the living room. She picked up the remotes she left on the floor and flipped them over. Fan, Stereo, Lights... But no TV.

"Here," she turned around and saw him hand her a remote. She took it and he leaned back on the couch. "The remotes always get lost in the damn couches," he spread his arms out on the back of the couch and let his head fall back. She stared at him for a while and then looked down at the remote. She flipped it over and it said TV. She pressed the power button and the TV finally came on.

Instantly a home screen popped up, and she saw Netflix, Hulu Plus, CW, HBO Live, and Comcast, she leaned back and looked at all the icons on the wondrous TV. She was in heaven. She went to Comcast and the Cable guide popped up before her eyes. She scanned the channels quickly and stopped on one that was showing an old episode of Spongebob Squarepants. She heard a snort behind her and looked over her shoulder at Jacks.

"For a few seconds, I forgot you were a kid," she narrowed her eyes at him and he mimicked her. His looked more threatening so she turned away and looked back to the TV.

"Just because I like to watch Spongebob doesn't make me a child," when he didn't reply, she continued. "Maybe if you watched it, you would like it," he laughed at her idea and leaned his head back once again.

"Bikers don't watch silly lil cartoons like Spongebob," he closed his eyes and she thought about a retort. One popped into her head as she thought about Nonna.

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