Biker Baby | Chapter Five

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Lucy_Pearl Copyright © 2016

Chapter Five

It's crazy how such an old lady could have the lungs of an Opera singer. At eight o'clock sharp, Nonna came into Isabelle's room singing an ode to the sun and clouds. Isabelle thought her head was going to explode. Nonna was singing loudly making sure to pronounce her words correctly, and if she didn't, she'd start that particular part over. Good thing that Nonna spoke perfect Italian because it only happened twice.

"Okay, okay Nonna! I'm up! I'm awake!" Isabelle cried out as Nonna continued her singing. Nonna smiled at Isabelle and pulled the thick comforter off of the bed.

"Rise and shine miele, we must get to the market before the morning rush," she tossed Isabelle's clean clothes onto the bed and waited for the girl to get up. Isabelle turned over to look at her crazy grandmother.

"Can I shower at least?" she asked. Nonna shook her head and began walking towards the door.

"If you wanted to shower you should've woke hours ago, scusate," Nonna smiled sweetly at Isabelle and walked out her bedroom.

Slamming the bed room door so hard, that the picture next to her door fell off the wall. Isabelle grumbled as she crawled out of the bed and walked towards the bathroom connected to her bedroom. It wasn't everyday an old lady stormed into her bedroom, scaring her out of a deep sleep. But that was Nonna, obviously.

Isabelle splashed water on her face and looked at her scuffled reflection in the mirror. Her hair was crazy and her eyes were dark from their lack of light and use, since she just woke up. She splashed more water onto her face and sighed. She was more tired than usual, and that wasn't good. She grabbed the brand new tooth brush wrapped in a plastic tube and looked throughout the medicine cabinet. She found the tooth paste and brushed her teeth quickly, and she grabbed the comb out of her bag.

The things inside the bag were really the only thing she had to call her own, besides her letter her mother left her and the necklace she found in her envelope. She touched the gold chain around her neck and grasped the gold and sterling silver dove. It had a diamond eye, the other missing for God knows how long, she kissed the miniature dove and tucked it in her shirt. When she was finished with her hair, she walked out of the bathroom to the bed that had her clean clothes on it. Her jean jacket was clean and the studs were shinning, her jeans were clean even though they still had the huge hole in the knee. She smiled and slipped the shorts she slept in, off and put on her pants.

She had some difficulty getting them on, but she finally got them buttoned. She grabbed a t-shirt out of her bag and slipped it on over the thin tank-top. She liked the fact that they-or whoever, took the liberty of cleaning and shinning her boots also. It was a nice thing to do and she didn't even ask, she didn't ask to be taken shopping either, but she wasn't complaining. If he wants to over indulge her as soon as he meets her, then so be it.

She grabbed her shoes and jacket and stepped out of her bedroom, as if she appeared out of no where, Nonna popped up right beside her. She looked down at the strange older woman. Nonna grabbed Isabelle's jacket and handed it to a man that Isabelle didn't even see behind them.

"Trust me Issa, it is too hot for a sweater," Nonna looped her arm through Isabelle's as they walked down the steps to the wide hallway. No one popped out of the rooms they passed. No one came walking up the stairs while they slowly perused down. The house seemed to be quiet. Too quiet. Isabelle looked over to the woman she learned to be her grandmother. She was kind of awestruck that she found her father but even more amazed when she discovered she had more family.

"Why you staring at me like you see ghost?" She suddenly heard. She turned her head away and focused her gaze on something else. She didn't want Nonna to feel as awkward as she felt. It was really weird being around a woman who she didn't know personally.

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