Biker Baby | Chapter Seventeen

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Lucy_Pearl Copyright © 2016

Chapter Seventeen

"Hey bestie!" Isabelle looked up from the book she was reading. The girl she met a few days before she got suspended, stood in front of her. They were in the library, but it seemed like Niecy was doing everything but reading.

"What are you reading?" She sat down next to Isabelle and looked at the book she had in her hand.

"Advanced Calculus. It's borderline Trigonometry but it's a b—"

"Ew, math?" She grabbed the book from Isabelle and tossed it across the aisle. "Let's talk about something more interesting." She sat back on her heels and looked at Isabelle, a big smile on her face.

"No offense," Isabelle stood up and went to grab the book. She looked down at Niecy, whom was smiling up at her. "But if you do that again, I'll smash your head in with a book." Niecy looked at her for a while before laughing and clutching her stomach.

"Funny. And I don't doubt ya. After what I heard you did to Mackenzie, I know you don't fuck around." Niecy stood up and looked at Isabelle, she was way shorter than her. But her personality made up for the missing inches.

"Which is the reason why I think we should be best friends," Isabelle scoffed and grabbed her backpack from off the floor. "You and I kick all these stuck up bitches asses, and we'd rule the scho–"

"I have no intention of doing what I did again. That was an honest mistake." She walked out of the once quiet aisle and into the wide open space of the library. Light streamed into the library, just making it hotter. She tried to ignore the girl because she was starting to get on Isabelle's nerves.

"You don't have to fight like that, you practically demolished her, you have my respect, which is hard to earn," Niecy jumped in front of Isabelle, stopping her in her tracks.

"Just..think about it," she handed her a piece of paper and then walked away. Why did it seem like I just got a job offer. She unfolded the sheet of paper Niecy handed her and read it.

Niecy Clyde Salazar

Isabelle laughed and crumpled the piece of paper before throwing it away. She had no intention of being friends with Miss Salazar, the girl reeked of trouble. The kind of trouble Isabelle has been trying to avoid for the past four years. She dropped her bag on a table and opened her book to the page she was reading.

"You're Isabelle right?" She looked up and saw a bunch of girls standing around her. They all had a mean look on their faces and she assumed that they were friends of Mackenzie. She stood up and a few of them backed up. Hmm.

"Who's asking?" She knew that if they all jumped on her, she could probably handle three at most, but not all six of them.

"The girls Varsity basketball captain," the one in front replied. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked Isabelle up and down. "You beat down one of our best players." Isabelle pushed the chair behind her out of the way. She was preparing the battlefield, she may be out numbered but she wasn't going down without a fight.

"And we thank you for that," Isabelle's heart beat slowed down and her eye brows furrowed in confusion.

"What?" Some of the girls laughed at Isabelle's expression and almost instantly she felt her mood darken.

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