Biker Baby | Chapter Twenty-One

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Lucy_Pearl Copyright © 2016

Chapter Twenty-One

At three in the morning, everyone was asleep, except for the security that watched the house from midnight to six.

Jacks laid in his bed, thinking about how the hell he was going to handle the next meeting with Lillo. She popped up at his house out of no where, with her men and their guns, while he had his family right in the backyard. Well, since his family was so freaking nosey, they would have been killed quicker since they were ear hustling in the hallway.

He wanted to put a bullet right between her eyes when he first saw those black Cadillac Escalades pull up. It was some kind of power play, showing him that she knew where he lived. Where his club slept and also that she knew that he had a daughter. Isabelle.

His hands gripped the bed frame and he could hear it splinter underneath his hand. After all the abusing this bed took, he was surprised it never collapsed underneath him. He let go of the bed frame and got out off of the California King. He opened his bedroom door and took the stairs quickly and turned down the hallway underneath the stairs to go into his office. He knew that no one else was up and he'd have to do this on his own without Riley's incredible hacking skills.

He searched Lillo, the cartel and anything else that he knew, hopefully it could give him some information on the woman. He found a few Puerto Rican news articles on her, they were in Spanish but he got a translator to fix that. There was a picture of her when she was younger, maybe in her teenage years. Her face was covered by a big black hat, with a black veil over it. She appeared to be crying but he wasn't sure. The title of the article was: Muerte de Drogas Señor Armondo Lillo, which translated to Death of Drug Lord Armondo Lillo. The newspaper was dated 2001, and it briefly mentioned Natalia, and all the money that was going to be left over to her. She released a statement later that year, she was donating most of the money to schools in Puerto Rico. Sadly the districts refused to take the money. They called it sangre dinero, and that they wouldn't take money earned from the deaths of their own people.

Jacks felt bad that Natalia tried to help out the people of her country, but they wouldn't allow her.

He could understand the cons of what she was doing, but when trying to do something positive, they could never see passed the cons. He rested his chin in his hand and leaned on the desk, scrolling past articles that didn't say anything about Natalia or the Cartel. He had to admit, the woman was damn interesting. He leaned forward and doomed in on a picture in the article. Damn, that man looked so-

The slamming of her door and the sounds of gunshots woke her up out of her somewhat peaceful sleep. Isabelle sat up in bed, to see a dark outline of a woman standing in her door way. She didn't know who the hell it was, but they held something in their hands. When she flipped on the switch, she saw who it was and exactly what she held. A big black gun, with a even longer magazine sticking out.

"C'mon, get dressed, we don't have much time," Shannah stepped into the room and threw Isabelle her shorts as she surveyed the door and hallway. Isabelle was already shaken up by the noise that seemed to drift up from below. Isabelle stabbed her legs through her pants and was snatched by her arm as soon as she stood up.

Shannah dragged her out of her room. And peaking over the balcony that led to the steps, she got a glimpse of a bunch of men in leathers and helmets. What is happening?, she wondered in horror as she was dragged down the opposite way of the stairs and to the dead end of the dark hall. Where the hell could they go if they didn't go down?

"I'm taking you to the hideout in the box room. You'll stay in there until I can find a way to get you through the room on the second floor," she pushed aside the picture on the wall next to the window and a dial pad of symbols slid out. She typed in a code and a panel slid open from beside them. The same door that Isabelle couldn't seem to get opened a few days ago. But Now she noticed her mistake, the door didn't open like a normal door, but slid to the side. Shannah looked back down the hallway and then pushed Isabelle into the room, and the panel slid shut behind them. No longer groggy from sleep, Isabelle looked up to the once creepy woman, who probably just saved her life.

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