Biker Baby | Chapter Sixteen

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Lucy_Pearl Copyright © 2016

Chapter Sixteen

It has been a few days since the incident outside of the house. Isabelle was sure that Wyatt hated her, and Jacks was pissed off. Nonna tried to tell her that everything was okay, but she knew it was a bunch of bull. Wyatt hated her, she broke his nose, accidentally of course. She hasn't seen him since that day.

Jacks couldn't even look at her, because after that incident, he didn't bother to come inside to see what actually occurred in the truck. Which was absolutely nothing inappropriate or intentional. She had school tomorrow and she couldn't even close her eyes to get a wink of sleep. She turned over in her bed and looked at the clock on her nightstand. The blue light said fifteen minutes after one, which basically meant: No sleep for you sista!

She sighed and turned away and looked up at the ceiling. She couldn't sleep and it was all Wyatt's fault. If she wasn't so worried about him and why he wasn't talking to her, she'd be able to go to sleep.

She let out a sigh and slammed her fists against the mattress. She rolled out of the bed and walked to her bathroom. She was hoping that whoever stocked her medicine cabinet also included some Tylenol PM of Nyquil. She moved the stuff around and found some Midol but no sleeping aides. She slammed the glass cabinet closed and stomped out of the bathroom. She slipped on some socks and stomped out of her room. She took the stairs quickly. Everyone was asleep, or still at the bar, they were still bikers.

She turned into the kitchen, using the door by the stairs instead of through the dining room. It was empty when she entered so she didn't worry about anyone telling what to do. She pulled the freezer open and pulled out the ice cream container. It wasn't going to help her sleep, but she wasn't getting any tonight anyway do what did it matter.

The front door of the house opened, so with the container of ice cream and a spoon, she walked around the corner and into the dining room. She leaned against the wall and peaked.

Two people stood near the door, a man and woman. She could tell by the big ball of dyed blonde hair, that it was Brandy and the other person was being hit on by her. She looked again and saw the dark hair, but couldn't see his face.

"Brandy, really stop. You're drunk and I-" Isabelle recognized the voice immediately and she let out a sad sigh.

"No, Wy-Wyatt, I'm not drunk baby," she hiccupped at the end and then put her arms around his neck. "Just kiss me, baby!" She practically begged.

"Brandy, no. Stop it!" he shoved her away and she stumbled but caught herself on the wall. Her hair fell in her face as she tried to gather herself. Wyatt looked down at her in sympathy, but anger and pity also shown in his dark eyes. He started to walk away, in Isabelle's direction, so she ran to the kitchen. She stood by the hallway she came through a few minutes ago, just in case he walked into the kitchen.

"It's that little bitch Isabelle, huh?!" Her voice traveled through out the whole house. Isabelle stood frozen in the narrow hall way and she heard hard footsteps.

"What the fuck are you talking about Brandy?" He replied. There was a clapping of heels against the tile floor and then she replied.

"You know exactly what I'm talking 'bout!" She leaned against the other wall and laughed. "You're screwin' the little bitch. I heard about y'all a couple of days ago. In that car for hours-"

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