Biker Baby | Chapter Twenty

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Lucy_Pearl Copyright © 2016

Chapter Twenty

"Take it to the shop in Reno and have it checked out, make sure everything is up to par and it hasn't been tampered with," he ordered. He and Lillo may be in cahoots to get rid of Guinnes, but he still didn't trust them.

"Sure," someone replied and three men walked pass him and did what he said. He didn't even want Isabelle near the damn thing before it got checked out. He opened his front door and walked back into his house and he saw most of his guest and his brothers and nephews standing in the hallway.

"Business?" Dillon asked.

"Yeah, nothing serious," he lied.

"Seemed serious," Bradley, his nephew replied. He looked to him, he had a huge, dark red hand print on the side of his face. Jacks could guess who gave it to him. But he didn't want to delve into why just yet.

"Well it wasn't, just someone giving Isabelle a present," he heard the livingroom doors open before her voice.

"A friggin' motorcycle!" She stood in the doorway of the livingroom, her eyes were bloodshot and he wondered if she'd been crying. He turned towards her and focused.

"Yeah, you like it?"

"I didn't see it, but you know how I feel about motorcycles," she replied. She tried to make it seem like a mundane subject, but he knew she was terrified of them.

"Yeah I do, I sent it to the shop. Maybe if it comes back clean we could sell it or somethin'?" He saw her debate for a second and then she shook her head, surprising him.

"No. I think that would be a bit... Rude," she replied. Her expression was sheepish and Jacks damn near chocked on his tongue. She was being... Practical.

"Gosh. You look so surprised. I'm not a total monster," a few laughs sounded and a small smile curled Jacks lips. No, not all the time.

He walked over to her and put his arm over her shoulder, she wrapped her arm around his waist and looked up to him. As they finished their conversation, a few people wandered back to the backyard.

"So you're going to ride it, if it comes back?" He asked. Almost everyone in the club knew how she felt about the "death machines" they rode. That's what she called Jacks bike the first day she was here.

"Maybe. Maybe not," she shrugged, but he could see the apprehension in her eyes.

"It's a great looking bike, a lot of pink but I'd ride it," Leanne leaned against a wall next to Gus and Riley. She watched Jacks and Isabelle; her chest hurt from the obvious love shared between the two. Sometimes she wished she had that connection with her parents. Jacks looked to her and he smiled a bit, her heart fluttered. Before Isabelle showed up, he rarely smiled but now you'd see a small smile on his face for just about anything.

"Alright," he yelled to the rest of the people. "Let's get back to the party!" Everyone roared and cheered and for a brief second Isabelle was surprised by the energy that seemed to surge from the crowd. Of course they liked to party, they're bikers.

They all headed to the back yard and Isabelle and Jacks followed behind. A knock sounded on the front door and someone stopped Jacks as he stepped through the sliding door.

"Prez," one of the younger members called him. "Someone is at the door," Jacks face showed his obvious confusion. Was Lillo back?

"Who?" He asked.

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