Biker Baby | Chapter Eleven

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Lucy_Pearl Copyright © 2016

Chapter Eleven

It seemed like no matter where Isabelle went she never seemed to fit in. Everyone seemed to avoid her like the plague and it made her feel isolated. Like she was being ostracized, purposely.

The best place in school, to her, was the library. She could read all Lunch hour and no one could bother her. She took the stairs to the second story and pushed the door to the library open. She saw there were a bunch of empty tables but the library was near vacant, as always. Her stomach was empty and once again she was starving. But she came prepared today, she took a seat at the table closest to the fiction section.

She dropped her books on the table, which was already occupied by another person but she didn't care, and the person didn't mind. She opened the book and read the brief introduction and prologue.

While reading, she pulled her lunch bag out of her back pack and pulled out the sandwich she made earlier this morning. White unwrapping the serane wrap, someone walked up next to her.

"There's no eating in the library," Isabelle looked up to the woman. She looked young but the way she was dressed made it seem like she was older. Isabelle swallowed the piece she was chewing and cleared her throat before speaking.

"But, it's lunch time," the woman shook her head and held up a small green trashcan. Not wanting to get kicked out of the library, Isabelle picked up her lunch and dropped it in the garbage. The woman smiled in satisfaction and walked away from Isabelle's table. Isabelle pouted for a while before going back to her book. Her stomach burned and growled again and she could fell bile rise to her throat. She grabbed her water bottle and downed it before letting out a sigh.

She heard russle of a bag and then a hand slid a yellow bag her way. She looked up but the person sitting across from her was now gone. She grabbed the bag and looked at them, Lays Originals. The same chips someone gave her last time she was left hungry. She grabbed her things and went into one of the empty aisles. She sat on the floor near the window, and opened her bag as quiet as she could. She ate the chips silently as she flipped through the pages of a random book she pulled off the shelf. She didn't know what it was but it had some poems in it.

Quiet -intensity of our silence,

Light -burnin' of the global star called our Sun,

Darkness -swallower of light, sound and air,

Aura, controlling our feelings and emotions like the gravity of the Earth,

Heat-consuming like the Darkness, space taking other space,

Without that, we are nothing.

- Universe

"None of that made any kind of sense," she whispered to herself. She had finished all her chips and stuffed the empty wrapper into her bag. Hopefully, no one saw her eating, and especially not the librarian. She'd be banned from the library for the rest of the quarter. She stood up and slipped the book back into its place. It was a strange book, and that one particular poem was odd. She grabbed the worn navy blue book and flipped it back to the poem she read.

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