Biker Baby | Chapter Thirteen

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Lucy_Pearl Copyright © 2016

Chapter Thirteen

"Your birthday is next week," Isabelle turned over in her bed as Jacks stepped into her bedroom. It has been a couple of days since her fight at school and this is the first time he has spoken to her.

Nonna has been keeping her company, and she still hasn't seen Wyatt since he dropped off her homework. She finished the packets yesterday and left it in her backpack. She's been locked up in her room reading books and eating ice cream by the quarts. It's been a fairly good existence according to her. She sat up on her bed and dog eared the page she was on.

"Yeah, I know," she murmured to herself. This would be her first birthday with her father. And the second without her mother. She cleared her throat and rubbed her eyes, making it seem like she was tired, but really because she didn't want the tears to fall.

"What do you want the most?" He asked. She looked up to him, her eyebrows risen in surprise. She racked her mind for a while and then something popped into her mind.

"Well the new MacBook just came out and-"

"That's so mundane, tell me something else," he demanded. He sat in the plush chair next to her closet. She twiddled her thumbs and thought harder. She didn't really know. She didn't really want anything either.

"I don't know..." She groaned. She perked up instantly when an idea popped into her head. "A car?" Jacks face dropped and he gave her a blank stare. She nodded her head and laughed.

"Okay, okay. Uh.. I don't know. Can you take a rain check?" He stood up and groaned as he stretched. He stood near her bedroom door and looked back at her.

"Hurry up, because October 4 is coming up quickly," he walked out and closed her door. She sat on her bed, sort of surprised that he bothered to ask her about what she wanted for her birthday. And then what he said about the MacBook. That damn computer had to be about two thousand dollars and he didn't even flinch when she asked. Judging by this house and all his personal motorcycles in the garage, he had money to spend. She flopped back on her bed, looking up at the light gray ceiling. This all still felt so new to her, Isabelle never had it like that. Her mother always struggled to get her a gift for her birthday every year. After her ninth birthday, she started to tell her mom she didn't want anything, but her mom always got her something.

"What do you mean you don't want anything for your birthday, little girl?"

She would put her hands on her hips and scrunch up her eye brows and frown. Isabelle mimicked her face and laughed to herself. Her mother was a real character.

"You always want something Izzy," she mocked in her mother's husky voice. She laughed again and brought a hand to the dove pendant on her necklace. She knew what she wanted but she couldn't do it. She wanted the necklace to remain the same, with one eye.

She remembered the day her mother gave it to her. It was her twelfth birthday and she swore to her mother that she'd wear everyday for the rest of her life. Her mother smiled at her and then laughed and smeared Isabelle's face with some frosting from the little homemade cake that sat on their kitchen counter. Isabelle laughed at the memory and rolled over and grabbed the book she was reading before Jacks walked in.

Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou. Isabelle smiled and hugged the book to her chest. This was her favorite book. And she's read over a thousand times. And she wasn't over exaggerating.

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