A Day at The Zoo

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The sun bathed the city in warmth and light as the Avengers set out for a special trip to the zoo. This outing was intended to lift Wanda's spirits, which had been weighed down by her recent sadness. Tony and Pepper, still reeling from their loss, decided to stay behind, allowing the rest of the team to focus on Wanda's well-being.

Wanda, dressed in a vibrant purple jacket and jeans, was accompanied by Steve and Natasha. Her excitement was tempered by a lingering anxiety, but as they approached the zoo entrance, the blend of distant laughter and animal calls began to soothe her.

"Are you ready for a day of adventure?" Steve asked, his voice warm and encouraging.

Wanda nodded, a hesitant smile tugging at her lips. Natasha, walking close by, held Wanda's hand, providing a sense of security.

As they walked through the zoo gates, Wanda's mood began to brighten. The vibrant colors and lively atmosphere of the zoo captivated her attention. She watched in awe as playful monkeys swung through the trees, majestic lions lounged in the sun, and elegant giraffes reached for leaves.

Thor and Carol had joined the group but had taken a different route, their own curiosity leading them to explore various parts of the zoo independently. They promised to catch up later, leaving Steve, Natasha, and Wanda to enjoy the day together.

At the penguin exhibit, Wanda's laughter rang out, a clear sign of her enjoyment. She pressed her face against the glass, captivated by the waddling and diving of the penguins. Natasha snapped photos, capturing moments of pure joy that had been rare for Wanda recently.

During lunchtime at a picnic area, Wanda eagerly ate her sandwich and fruit, chatting animatedly about her favorite animals. Steve and Natasha exchanged glances of relief and happiness as they listened to her.

"We should check out the petting zoo next," Steve suggested, his eyes crinkling with a smile.

Wanda's excitement was palpable as they approached the petting zoo. She fed goats and gently patted the soft fur of a friendly sheep, her earlier tension easing into contentment. Natasha and Steve stayed close, ensuring she was safe and having fun.

Thor and Carol eventually wandered back into view, having explored different exhibits. They joined the group at the petting zoo, with Thor playfully interacting with the animals and Carol sharing her own stories of the exhibits she had seen.

As the day progressed, Wanda's joy was interrupted by a group of news reporters who suddenly appeared. Cameras flashed and microphones were thrust toward her.

"Wanda! Wanda Maximoff! Can we get a quick word?" a reporter asked urgently. "How does it feel to be part of the Avengers' plan to stop Thanos?"

Wanda looked bewildered. "How do you know who I am?"

The reporters pressed for answers about her role in the upcoming battle, leaving Wanda increasingly confused and uneasy.

Steve and Natasha stepped in immediately. Steve placed a protective arm around Wanda, his expression firm. "We're here for a family outing, and we'd appreciate it if you respected our privacy."

Natasha, her eyes flashing with concern, added, "We're just here to enjoy a day at the zoo. Please, let her have her fun."

Reluctantly, the reporters stepped back, murmuring amongst themselves. Wanda, visibly unsettled, clung to Steve's hand as they moved away from the crowd.

They found a quieter spot, and Natasha knelt beside Wanda. "Are you okay?" she asked gently.

Wanda nodded, though her expression was still troubled. "I didn't understand what they were asking."

Steve brushed a stray lock of hair from Wanda's face. "Sometimes people ask questions that don't make sense. You're safe with us."

The rest of the day at the zoo continued on a lighter note. Wanda's spirits lifted as they visited the butterfly pavilion, where colorful butterflies fluttered around in a serene, magical environment. She was entranced by the delicate creatures, her earlier anxiety forgotten in the midst of this new wonder.

The day had been long, and as the sun began its descent, the group made their way back to the car. Wanda, clearly tired from the day's excitement, clutched her stuffed bunny toy tightly, her eyelids drooping. Natasha and Steve, standing near the car, were waiting for Carol and Thor to return.

Natasha, her phone in hand, swiped through the photos they had taken throughout the day. She glanced at Steve, who was leaning against the car with a relaxed smile.

"Look at this one," Natasha said, showing Steve a picture of Wanda beaming as she fed a goat. "She really enjoyed the petting zoo."

Steve smiled, taking in the image. "Yeah, that's a great one. I'm glad we came."

Natasha continued scrolling, her expression softening as she came across a photo of Wanda looking a bit uneasy surrounded by the reporters. "We also got this one," she said, her voice tinged with concern. "It's a bit unsettling, but it's a reminder of how brave she was today."

Steve's smile faded slightly as he saw the photo. "She didn't deserve that. But I'm glad we were able to get her away from them."

Natasha nodded, her gaze lingering on the photo. "She's been through a lot. It's moments like these that remind me how much she needs support and care."

Steve put a reassuring hand on Natasha's shoulder. "We're doing our best for her. That's what matters."

Just then, Carol and Thor appeared, walking briskly towards the car. Thor was dressed in a bright yellow "Zoo Explorer" t-shirt and a matching hat, his enthusiasm palpable. He carried a large stuffed animal, a zebra, that he had bought from the gift shop.

"Greetings!" Thor boomed, his voice echoing with his usual exuberance. "Behold, my new zebra friend! And look at this fantastic merch! I'm fully prepared for any future zoo excursions!"

Carol, walking alongside Thor, had a more subdued smile. "I think Thor might have spent more time in the gift shop than anywhere else," she joked.

Wanda, already halfway to dreamland, stirred slightly as Thor's loud voice reached her. She looked up, her eyes heavy with sleep, and clutched her bunny toy closer.

"Is it time to go home?" she murmured, her voice barely audible.

Steve and Natasha exchanged a fond glance. "Yeah, sweetheart, it's time," Steve said softly, opening the car door for her.

Thor, still beaming with excitement, continued talking animatedly about his new purchases, but his voice gradually lowered as he noticed Wanda's sleepy state.

Natasha helped Wanda into the car, gently buckling her in while Steve settled into the driver's seat. Wanda's eyes fluttered shut as she held her bunny toy close, the day's adventures finally catching up with her.

As the car pulled out of the parking lot, Steve glanced back at Wanda through the rearview mirror. "She looks so peaceful now."

Natasha leaned back in her seat, her phone still in hand as she glanced at the photos. "It was a good day for her, despite everything."

Thor, sitting in the passenger seat next to Steve, finally quieted down, his enthusiasm giving way to a softer, more reflective mood. "It was a good day," he agreed. "I'm glad we could give her a bit of joy."

Carol, now seated beside Natasha, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's been a while since she's had a day like this."

The car ride back was quiet, with Wanda sleeping soundly in the backseat, Steve and Natasha sharing a peaceful moment of reflection. The day had been filled with both challenges and triumphs, but it had ultimately been a success in bringing a measure of joy and normalcy to Wanda's life.

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