The New Babysitter

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The day started with Wilbur and Techno panicking in the house. They were both calling people to find a babysitter.

Apparently Puffy was gonna be late for a few hours because her son was sick. Well he was around Techno's age so he should be fine but guess Puffy is just being overprotective. Or maybe her son is just too weak.

In any case Puffy was too late for the brothers' liking and they didn't want to leave Tommy alone.

"Maybe I can stay home." Wilbur said after his seventh call with one of his friends.

"No you can't. Didn't you say you have an important test today? You are going to school for sure. I'll stay with Tommy." Techno said with an annoyed tone.

"But you also can't stay. You already use all of your sick days. If you stay home, you'll get fired 'for sure'." Wilbur said it while mocking Techno's voice at the last words.

"My voice doesn't even sound like that!?"

"Yes, it does." With their shouting and all the noises, they finally woke up Tommy.

"What's going on?" The little blond asked while pulling off Wilbur's sleeves.

"Puffy is coming late and we are trying to find someone to look after you. You just go back to bed." With a sleepy head Tommy nodded and went to his room.

"What if he stays home alone for a while?" Techno suggests.

"He is four!" Wilbur yells.

"Do you have a better idea?"

"Actually yeah, but you won't like it." They glanced a look and Techno understood what he meant.

"No! He is not getting close to Tommy even 20 feet!"

"Yeah, it was a bad idea, but is it better if we leave Tommy alone in the house? Dad knows how to look after a kid."

"Don't call him dad, he is not our father anymore. Even if you call him he won't come."

"Well he probably would come for Tommy. Remember how he acted? He didn't want to give Tommy's custody to you. Thankfully the lawyers helped us." Mentioning that was like a horrible nightmare for Techno. He was so scared he would lose Tommy.

Tommy was like a little sun to their world. He was the one that was lighting their day, he was the one that was bringing joy to them. Losing him to that bastard was the worst.

He knew their father didn't care about Tommy an inch. The only reason he wanted him was because he looked so much like their mother. They had the same skin tone, same eye color and same hair color.

Even now and then he can see that man walking around their house like a creep. He is scared one day he would try to kidnap Tommy.

"I am gonna talk with Tommy and say he is gonna spend some alone time in the house." Techno said and walked towards Tommy's room, and Wilbur continued to call more people.

When Techno went in, he saw the little gremling sleeping on the bed. His hair was falling to his face and he was sucking his thumb. He looked so cute.

"Tommy?" Techno sat on the bed and shook the little kid a bit.


"We need to talk, can you wake up?"

"I wanna sleep"

"You can go back to sleep afterwards."

Tommy finally gave in and sat right up and made eye contact with Techno.

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