Grief? Nah, or?

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The birthday party was exhausting to say the least. It was not easy to look after three kids at once, and look after the guests at the same time.

So when everyone left both Techno and Wilbur crashed into the couch and took a bit of a break.

Tommy was also with them, currently sleeping on Techno. He was dripping his saliva on him. It would be annoying and Techno would have pushed him off, but he was too tired to do so.

"We have things to do tomorrow." Wilbur said. His eyes were closed and he almost looked like he was sleeping.

"I know." Techno said, looking at Tommy and brushing the boy's hair.

"And we are so tired."

"Exhausted would be a better explanation, but yes you are right."

"I don't think I can wake up tomorrow." Wilbur was trying to skip school at this point.

"I'll make sure you do." Techno said knowing exactly what Wilbur is trying to do.

"Who is gonna make sure you will wake up?"

"My phone?" Techno said, lifting his head.

"Uhh, can I-"

"NO! Sleep will ya? Go to bed or something if you are that tired."

"Be quiet, you are gonna wake up Tommy!"

"It's fine, he doesn't wake up that often anymore. The light sleeper is a heavy sleeper now."

"That is actually worrying."

They stare at each other for a moment. Starting to realize Tommy's behaviors.

"He has been coughing a lot lately." Techno says. His tone changed into a scared one.

"The other day he told me his chest hurts. I told him he probably slept on it." Wilbur said. His voice was almost shaking. Shortly bad thoughts consumed both of them. Thinking of the possible deadly diseases.

"We should go to the doctor!" Wilbur suddenly yells.

"We shouldn't rush this. I'll call Puffy and ask her what it could be. And if it's something serious we can go." Techno moves Tommy to the side and rushes to get his phone.

He was about to dial the number when the door suddenly knocked. He checks his phone and sees that it's literally almost midnight. Who could be this late at night?

He puts the phone back and goes to open it.

He was waiting for an intruder, some homeless guy, or maybe Ranboo sleepwalking again. But he was certainly not waiting for a police officer.

"May I help you?" He asks worriedly, why the police show up at his house. Then he thinks maybe Wilbur burned down a house or something.

"Is this Technoblade Gold?"


"We are here to give you a... message."

"Umm, okay?"

The police officers look at each other. They looked sad and there was also pity on their faces.

"Your father, he passed away tonight. Someone found him on the side of the road. He apparently had a heart attack. We are guessing it was because of the high dose of alcohol." Police say. It looks like a big burden had left his shoulders.

Techno stopped for a second and with a blank face he asked.

"Okay, is that it?"

Both police officers gave him a confused look. This was not the reaction they were expecting. So one of them thinks Techno understands him wrong and repeats himself.

"Your father just died."

"Yeah, I heard you. I would celebrate it, but I am too tired. If you are done, can I go?"

"Well... There is some paperwork you need to fill up. Since your father is gone you will have some money and-"

"That's good, that could be helpful. But can I do that tomorrow?"

"Sure, you probably want some time to-"

"No, I'll be there tomorrow. We need the money. Thank you for the news. Bye officer." Then he shuts the door on their faces and moves back into the living room where Tommy and Wilbur are.

The officers looked at the door in pure shock. Not able to say or move for a few seconds. When they processed what just happened, they decided that Techno was just in denial and left it with that.

Well denial could be a good word but not exactly, because Techno never thought Shlatt would ever die. He was in disbelief but was not sad about the news or he thought.

The only thing that was annoying was he was an orphan now. Or at least his brothers are, since he was already an adult.

"Who was it?" Wilbur asked.

"Oh, I got good news and maybe bad news too."


"So, the good news is we got money. The bad news is we are orphans." Wilbur rolled his eyes, he was worried for a second.

"That is not bad news. How did he die?"

"That's what I also thought. Apparently he had a heart attack."

"Wow, we are lucky aren't we? Do we have to go to his funeral?"

"No, we don't. It should be fine. Tomorrow I will go and sign some papers and hopefully they'll give us some money." Techno picked up Tommy, ready to put him in bed.

"How are we gonna tell this to Tommy?" Wilbur says when he sees him in Techno's arms.

"We don't need to tell him. It's not like anything changed."

"The kid has rights to know that his dad is not alive."

"We can tell him when he is older." Techno says and leaves the room with Tommy.

"I guess so." Wilbur also walks to his room and they end the night like that.

Unfortunately the news of their father made them forget about Tommy's situation.

That night Techno couldn't sleep an inch. He was sure he was okay. He was sure he didn't care and he thought he was happy about his father's death but he wasn't.

He was supposed to hate that man, he was supposed to feel nothing. But he did care. No matter what happened, no matter what that man did he was his father once.

He cared about him and loved him once, and you can't just rip that out of you. And that was why he was so angry at him. That was why he was so heart broken. Because it hurts to be back stabbed by someone you cared about.

So he tried to stop that, he tried so hard to forget him. He thought it worked but it never did.

Without even realizing tears started to come out of his eyes. He immediately wiped them away. He shouldn't cry after that man. He didn't deserve it, he knew he didn't deserve it. With all the pain that he had left, he shouldn't even have a funeral.

But his heart wasn't listening to the brain. It ached with the loss, it had always ached. It had just silenced itself.

He closed his eyes and tried not to think about it. Which didn't work until he felt someone brushing his hair and drawing circles on his back.

It was so lovely and comforting. He liked it, and didn't even look to see who it was. He was about to drift to sleep when he got scared that the feeling would be gone, but it didn't. The feeling stayed with him the whole night.

And yes, Phil was staying with one another brother, and was adopting yet another son.

1216 words.

Have you tried to search 'back to school necklace'. I did, and it's lovely. 😀 (It's not)

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