Bully The Green Boy

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A funny chapter full of bullying the green blob. (Sorry for the late update)

Phil was laughing so hard as he watched the Dream guy panic more every second.

"What do you mean there is no one? Maybe the little kid did it."

"He is sleeping, there is no way it was him, but I am so angry at Wilbur and Techno. They are lucky nothing happened to Tommy. As soon as one of them arrives, I will have a small talk." Puffy said. She sure looked like she was about to kill someone.

"Then how did the door open and why are you so calm about it!?"

"I don't know and be quiet, you are gonna wake up Tommy. Now go lay down, I will make soup for you."

"Look mom, I am not a kid anymore. You can leave me alone. Actually, can I go back home?"

"No, and if I hear you complain again I will pour down the soup on you, that I am gonna make."

Dream gulped and without saying anything and moved on to the living area. He sat down on the couch and started to look around.

There was an old tv on a stand and a few decorations around it. A little box right next to the tv which is full of toys, and a coffee table next to the couch.

He was about to lay down like how Puffy told him when he saw one of the decorations falling. It was a weird looking blob thingy. It had a smile on it and if you ask him it looked like a marshmallow.

He sat up from where he was sitting and picked up the blob.

"This house is getting weirder." He put the blob back and sat on the couch. "What is going ooo- *sneeze*. Maybe it's because I am sick. Do I have a fever?"

He was genuinely curious and scared at this point. Was a window open? Because that was the only conclusion he could come up with.

*Baam* The living room's door suddenly shut down. It was not that loud and it was kind of slow, but Dream still flinched.

After he processed everything, he immediately jumped up and moved as far away as he could from the door.

"WHAT THE HECK!?" After that he heard someone walking from outside the door.

His heart raised every second as the person came closer. It stopped right in front of the door and slowly they opened it.

Dream screamed at top of his lungs until he saw who it was. He earned a smack to his head afterwards.

It was Puffy and she was mad.

"What did I tell you about making noises? Plus why are you yelling?"

"But you don't understand mom, there is something wrong in this house."

"I told you the-'' She got interrupted when they heard Tommy.

"Wilby!?" Tommy of course was awakened by all the noises that Dream made.

"I am coming Tommy!" Puffy shouted and kicked Dream on the ribs before going to get Tommy.

She came back in a few minutes with a sleepy kid in her arms.

"Who is that?" Tommy asked, looking at Dream.

"It's my son, he is just sick. And he is sorry that he woke you up. Right Dream?"

"What?" Puffy glared at Dream with his answer.

"Uh, yeah I am sorry." Dream said with panic.

"I am hungry." Tommy said, ignoring Dream completely. He even ignored the glare that the man was giving him.

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