Ch 50: U.A Entrance Exam Part 1

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(Lesss go finally here after 20 fucking years, author is so fucking slow smh fucking sucks at writing am I right??? But before that let me explain how quirks work properly in this story forgot to add at the start lol. Basically everyone gets a rank that they can get to Izuku's sister Izumi got C-rank, everyone starts at E-rank but you can train your quirk up to the rank assessment you were given and in some cases you can under go quirk evolution and bump it a few ranks so C to A or maybe S. I will give some people extra abilities to make Eraser more op I'm gonna be able to stun magic beasts when he looks at them. Another note I wanted to add is there are three sectors in the hero business and they are helping people, fighting villains and the one I added is fighting in dungeons... All Might as an example does all three whereas Howa Taiga (Baek Yooho) would only fight dungeon monsters... Hopefully it cleared some of your guys questions)




"All Might"

Izuku woke up and started his daily quests and finished them and he saw that All Might called and picked it up, "Hello."

All Might said, "Hello! Young Midoriya! Is this you?"

Izuku said, "Yes."

All Might said, "Well, Young Midoriya I was in the area and wanted to see and hear about your progress in person if that's fine with you...?"

Izuku said, "Yeah, I'm fine with that... At Takoba Beach?"

All Might said, "Of course! See you in 5."

Izuku said, "Alright." As they ended the call they both went to Takoba Beach.

Izuku saw All Might and walked to him as he was looking the other way and Izuku said, "Hey, All Might!"

All Might jumped and said, "What, who!

All Might then said, "Oh, sorry I don't recognize you? I would be fine with giving you an autograph my young fan!"

Izuku said, "Is it because my haircut...? I'm your successor."

All Might said, "I'm so sorry Young Midoriya... It's just that you look so much more... er..."

Izuku said, "Different, 'Mostly handsome but shouldn't say that...' ... A lot of people think of me as another person so it's fine... My own sister couldn't recognize me..."

All Might thought, 'He looks so much more better looking as well... I also couldn't sense him... His footsteps he's like a assassin... He's gotten powerful he's a decent S-rank he can probably almost solo a B rank gate... I can feel it!'

Izuku said, "I'm great All Might! What about you?"

All Might said, "I'm doing well. So how is your progress with One For All can I guess in the 40s I presume?"

Izuku said, "We could wait for the entrance exam and make it a surprise."

All Might said, "That's a great idea! I wonder how much percentage you can use maybe you may use more than 50...? What about your other quirk?"

Izuku said, "Aside from One For All, there's a new skill with my quirk. It's a very dangerous power. People shouldn't know the true nature of it..."

All Might said, "What do you mean true nature..."

Izuku said, "It's better if I show you instead of explaining it would it be fine with you?" All Might nodded.

Izuku said, "Arise."

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