Beta to Omega

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Things were back to normal, except they were naked most of the time. Happy and naked and it felt like they were falling in love with each other all over again. They only got dressed to walk the dogs. Harry even cooked naked, giving a whole new meaning to the naked chef.

They kept reading fan fictions as well. They had finished one called Plane crash where they were all stranded on an island, a really heartbreaking one called Landslide which dealt with a break-up, making them both cry. They read Two Ghosts after that and cried even more. Just to finish it off they read Just a Little Bit of Your Heart and cried at that too.
"Damn! These song fics are brutal. Give me something cute!" Harry demanded.

"Do you wanna try the mysterious world of ABO?" Louis smirked while he scrolled through the lists of fics from itstilliswhatitis. They had decided that they would read them all. If she could take the time to write 100 fics about them they would read them.

"What was that again? Wolves?" Harry asked, sounding resistant.

"We're still humans, just horny ones." Louis smirked.

Harry giggled.
"Alright then. Let's give it a try."

They got comfortable and Harry started reading. The first chapter was really cute, showing the dynamic between the two of them in an interview that happened in real life.
"I love that interview. I'll take Harry for the night. Our management was really grumpy about that."  Harry chuckled.

He continued reading.

Louis woke up the next morning feeling like he had been run over by a bulldozer. He rubbed his eyes and yawned before he threw a glance at his cellphone. The display showed 07.11 and he decided that he had time for a shower. He felt hot and sweaty. Well, he could handle a bit of a fever, that was what painkillers were invented for. His throat wasn't soared and that was a good thing considering they were supposed to record a song today for the new album. He got up from bed with a sigh and headed to the bathroom.

"Oh-oh. Someone's turning into an Omega." Harry smirked. They had googled the concept before they started reading.

"Wait, I'm the Omega in this one? That doesn't seem right." Louis protested.

"I'm sure you're adorable." Harry giggled and continued to read.

"Lou has a high fever. I'm taking him home. We have to reschedule this. I'll keep in touch." Harry explained before he started to walk out of the studio with Louis in his arms.

The boys watched them leave.

"Those two." Zayn mumbled.

"Yeah. I wonder what will happen the day Harry mates an Omega? They clearly like each other a lot. Too bad Louis is a Beta." Niall said with a sad frown.

"Well, they're up for a big surprise." Louis grinned.

Harry inhaled sharply and his whole body got stiff.
" smell different."

Harry buried his nose in Louis' neck and took a sniff. He then let out a low growl and Louis whimpered from the sound that traveled directly to his crotch. His skin felt like it was on fire and he clutched Harry's t-shirt and tried to get closer, pressing his body against Harry's.

"This whole smelling thing is a bit weird." Harry laughed.

"Well, you smell lovely. I could sniff you all day." Louis winked and Harry burst out laughing.

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