I Think I Know Her

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- London, UK –


I didn't dream about Astrid last night.

For the first time in almost six weeks, I didn't dream about Astrid.

Was this because she said no to my girlfriend proposal?

Was this because I finally gained the courage to look for her?

It's funny how I remember talking to Mitch about it, the dreams. It was after a week of dreaming about Astrid. I found it odd and mysterious, how the dreams seemed to connect with each other. It was continuous.

 I had nothing else to do but to share it to my best mate. From the "I met her while I was grocery shopping and surprisingly got her number." to the "I asked her to go out with me, I asked her on a date, Mitch! She said yes!"

And now that it stopped, well I don't know if it has stopped, but not having a dream with Astrid in it, made me feel empty when I woke up, even though my last dream was a bit hurtful.

The crowd was amazing last night. It was one of the best shows so far. The fact that I confessed something to thousands of people, made it much more memorable.

People have started sending e-mails to my team. News articles have been published. Some, even calling me weird and crazy but, I don't care, I have something more important to think about. I'm used to it anyway.

Today's one of our 3-day break before we fly out to LA for the set of shows there. Arriving there on a late Tuesday evening for our Thursday show. I just love time zones.

 I decided to invite my team in my house here in London to look through the e-mails with them. We spent the last 3 hours looking through photos of "Astrids" that were sent. So far, none of them was my Astrid.

We decided to take a break and I remembered that I needed to buy groceries since I'll be staying here for the next two days. So, with that, I gathered the empty feeling and laziness, stood up, and told my team that I'll be out to buy groceries.

- Colmar, Alsace (France) –

Astrid Star

I was sort of prancing my way to the bookstore when I bumped into Mr. Monet, the owner of the bakery located beside the place where I live in.

 When I said "bumped", I meant it took me by surprise which caused my phone to fly straight out of my right hand and crash into the ground. 

I was quick to pick it up but then when I tried to turn it on, it didn't budge. I felt Mr. Monet approach me quickly.

"Je suis vraiment désolé, Astrid! (I'm so sorry, Astrid!)" He exclaimed, looking like he was about to cry. I gave him the sincerest smile I could muster and said "C'est très bien, M. Monet ! C'est moi qui ne faisais pas attention. (It's totally fine Mr. Monet! I was the one not paying attention.)" 

"Votre téléphone est cassé maintenant, je suis désolé. Je te rembourserai, Astrid. C'est combien? (Your phone's broken now, I'm so sorry. I'll pay you back, Astrid. How much was it?)" He asked, now looking a bit calmer. "Pas besoin de Monsieur Monet! J'ai économisé pour en acheter un nouveau de toute façon. (No need Mr. Monet! I've been saving up to buy a new one anyway.)" I tried to reassure the old man. 

I smiled at him and as if he knew that I'd never accept his offer, he went inside his shop saying "Donne-moi une seconde. (Give me a second.)" I was left outside, confused but then he went back out with a box in his hands. "Veuillez accepter ces cookies en guise d'excuses. (Please do accept these cookies as an apology.)" I smiled at him and took the box of delicious chocolate chip cookies. "Excuses acceptées, Monsieur Monet. Merci pour les cookies! (Apology accepted Mr. Monet. Thanks for the cookies!)"

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