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Wind moves off the ocean and I continue to battle the blonde strands from my face. I had considered braiding my hair. It would have been practical. But I thought I looked prettier with my hair down, I even put textured spray throughout. You know, to give me that beachy look. But I could have saved myself time. The weather is doing it all on its own. I look like a mess to be honest. I'm wearing boardies and a bandeau bikini top, the latter barely covering the acne between my breasts. I dabbed concealer onto it – and onto my face as well – but when this bikini top inevitably shifts, Mick could see the sizable pimples upon my sternum.


Mick carries the food we bought down from the cafe strip. Before the lagoon, I lay out my woven blanket.

"You're smart for bringing that," Mick says, "I didn't think to bring anything to sit on."

"It's just a habit to remember at this point," I shrug, "I go to the beach just about everyday."

"You're in a bikini just about everyday?" Mick says, his grey eyes catching my own.

I give a laugh, "I'm in sportswear most of the time. Billie and I go running on the beach most mornings."

Mick and I sit down on the blanket, and Mick dishes out the chicken, chips and salad.

"Did you end up going to Gabriel's last night?" I ask. The boys had a gathering there last night.

"Yes, and I got smashed – I'm a bit hungover," Mick replies then asks, "Do you drink?"

"Alcohol?" I question, immediately feeling stupid.

"Yes," Mick answers.


"You seem confident," Mick says to me, "You in that bikini at the back-to-school party – wow."

I push my hair over my ear, "Thanks..."

"You must get into that bikini and tan."

"No, I'm pretty light-skinned..."

I couldn't make eye-contact with him. My entire body wanted to blush. I look down at my lap but I just take note of my chest acne behind my bandeau. I pull up its middle.

"What made you interested in me?" I ask. One minute, I've barely held a conversation with a guy and the next, I'm on a date with one.

"The bikini. You looked really good in it at the twins' beach party."


"You look good in your bathers now. I'll take a story for my Insta?"

With that Mick takes out his phone, his thumb pressed on the screen. He moves it from myself out to the lagoon. I just hope I look good.

"You say I seem confident but I don't feel confident in just a bikini," I admit, "Hence the board shorts today."

"But you'd look hot in one."

I look out into the lagoon then back at Mick. "What career are you wanting to do after school?"

"I want to go into engineering," Mick answers.

"What field of engineering?" I ask further.

"Whatever will make me the most money. I want to go into mining. What do you want to do?"

"Marine biology. Though I need an ATAR score of 80 to go to UWA."

"I need an ATAR score of 90 to go to Curtin. I failed one of my English exams last year and when I asked my teacher about it, she told me I needed to talk about my feelings. I'm a guy; I'm not good at talking about my feelings. Though I improved for my next exam and I passed. I believe nothing's impossible."

𝙾𝚌𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝙴𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜Where stories live. Discover now