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The early morning sun peers over the farming land as cows idle about, munching on the pear-green grass behind makeshift fences. Loan weary trees stand as shelter for the animals as some appear dazed beneath them, their only movement an occasional tail flick. It's a straight-road drive between paddocks but the camping gear shifts about the floor behind our seats. A quirk of a '70s van. Peering through the rear-vision mirror, the Landy driven by Benji is but a dinky car figure behind us. Although, he must be travelling considering he picked up the boys along the way.

"I'm really glad you're doing a camping trip for your birthdays," I say to Billie.

"Me too," Billie replies.

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Having set up our camping equipment for the night and the sun not quite above our heads, we get back in the vehicles for brunch at Yallingup's general store. Billie and the boys each purchase a feast; breakfast burgers, chips, muffins, smoothies, large coffees.

I buy a small salad and drink from my water bottle.

"Just a salad, Eden?" Benji nudges me after I order, "What else would you like? I'll pay."

He speaks softly and it warms me. It's so sweet that he cares. Cares all the time I look into his warm brown eyes and say, "I'm not all that hungry."

"Anything you want on this trip, let me know," Benji says further, "I can pay."

Billie is so blessed to have Benji as her brother. Maybe when she begins her road trip around Australia, I'll steal him from her and terminate my sentence as an only child.

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Driving down the hill gives the best view of the surf. Cosmic clean tunnels, sea mist clouds spewing off their tops. Although beautiful, they're colossal. Only the formidable are out today.

"Yew!" Gabriel exclaims, "Look at those waves!"

"I'm frothing at the mouth," Kai agrees.

Benji pulls up into a carpark, either spots beside him free. Only because it's lunchtime I imagine. The boys are opening their doors before the engine has been turned off, immediately grabbing the wetsuits from the boot and using the doors they didn't close as changing cubicles. Having emerged from the car myself, I pier out over the wooden fencing with my arms lent on top. A crisp zephyr caresses my face, ushering the fragrance of saltwater through my nose. Gabriel and Kai are on either side of the Landy, hauling down the boards. Benji and Reef receive the boards, unzipping their covers and chucking the black material into the boot.

"Do you mind taking care of the car keys?" Benji asks me.

"No worries," I say in return, receiving the clunk of keys following an under-arm throw.

As Benji follows the boys down the sand path, I take note of his keyring. His family's faces in metal engraving; his mum, dad, Billie and himself. They're such a beautiful family. Although their mum and dad have the occasional argument, and even Billie and Benji bicker, their love for one another always overcomes any row.

The passenger seat is a cosy place to sit. I wind down the window and pull up a blanket. I open The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson. I've read it dozens of times but still do not understand why Lennie doesn't commit herself to Joe. Be rid of Toby already! Why women can't see their perfect match standing in front of them is beyond me.

I look up to see Gabriel launch down on the wave, disappearing into the tube. A second, a few seconds. They go by. Before he soars through. When the wave has passed and drowned, he jumps off his board into the ocean. Evening is approaching and the zephyr is no more. In replacement, a gust. Then another. I pull the beanie from my pocket and pull it over my head. I also pull on matching gloves to cover my hands. The waves are increasingly being chopped at their top. Billie and the boys paddle in.

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"Curry always hits the spot," Reef announces, finishing his third bowl of dahl and basmati. I think all the boys and Billie ate three.

And now they're onto the three bags of marshmallows, skewing them onto the sticks Benji sought out from around the campsite. From the other side of the fire, Kai chucks me a stick. And with it, I move rocks about.

As the bags of marshmallows decrease in volume, so does the volume of conversation. In a nice way but. It's a contentment in one another's company, an understanding. Billie calls it time for her to hit the sack. She gives me a loving hug before she retreats. Reef and Gabriel follow, undoubtedly knackered after the hours spent riding waves. Although Gabriel does give me a wink before he enters his tent. Benji, sitting a couple of metres off, shuffles over to lean against my log.

"Enjoying camping thus far?" Benji asks.

"You know I always enjoy camping with you guys," I smile.

"I'm glad that you took a break from studying to come along," he returns, a smile curling at the corner of his mouth.

"I'm thinking about whipping out my books now," I say, teasing. But it is a good idea.

"You don't really have a desire to do that," Benji affirms me. The devil on my shoulder.

The flames provide a delicate glow on Benji's face. The crackling sparks dissipate into the starlit sky.

"Can I ask you a question?" Benji asks.

"You can ask, I don't have to answer," I reply.

"How come you were in Gabriel's room?" he asks.

What did you see? I want to ask. But if he had seen, he wouldn't be asking.

"Gabriel was just giving me a hug. Went to him... He understands what it's like not having a dad."

"I didn't realise that bothered you," Benji comments.

It doesn't.

"I'm so sorry Eden. I know your homelife isn't what you want it to be. Isn't what you need it to be."

When did I become a pathological liar? Since I found out Benji likes me? I just want to save his feelings. But did he see Gabriel wink at me.

Benji places a couple of pink marshmallows upon my thigh.

I place them back in his hand. "No thanks."

"I haven't seen you eat much lately. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," I reply, offering a smile.

I won't give this conversation another moment. I retreat to my tent.

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