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Somehow, I managed to fit my whole childhood into a box, suitcase and shoulder bag. The suitcase and shoulder bag for the road. The box to be stored at Billie's house. Her parents understand, I think they've always understood. The box is mostly journals, trophies and medals but also, an old lolly tin of mementos. It's being stored in the garage. Billie has been here helping me pack. We're doing the packing in one day, in the daylight. Between Mum leaving for work and her returning. I felt it was best to not tell her. I do believe she'd try to stop me. Physically. And so to avoid an altercation, I've said nothing.

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The drive between my house and Billie's home, I call Gabriel.

"Hey, Eden," Gabriel answers.

"Hey," I return.

"Do you wanna hang out this afternoon?" Gabriel asks, his voice energy and cheekiness.

I breathe out, "I'm actually calling to - to end things with you."

I hear a faint "uh" on the end of the line.

"I don't believe what we're seeking from a relationship is the same. And - I don't believe we're suited to each other."




I hang up and breathe in.

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Following lunch at Billie's house, a farewell with her family, I sit in the passenger seat of the Kombi. Waiting for Billie to emerge and looking up at the rustling eucalyptus. The front flywire pushes open and I expect Billie to emerge, followed by her crying parents plus Benji. But it's just Benji. He walks over to my open window.

"I'm gonna miss you," Benji says.

My arm's resting on the base of the window frame and Benji places his hand on mine.

"I'm gonna miss you, too," I say, realising I'm very much meaning it.

Just as I'm looking into Benji's eyes, Billie and her parents emerge from the front door.

𝙾𝚌𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝙴𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜Where stories live. Discover now