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Mick and I meet at the beach. From there, we went to the salad bar to get lunch. Mick talks about his current diet which he calls 'cutting'. I ask him further about it and he says it means he only eats clean (no junk food). But when he's 'bulking', he can eat whatever he wants.

We were looking out towards the horizon when Mick asks, "Did we even speak last year?"

"Probably not," I say.

"It's a shame we didn't; we could have dated a year earlier."

"We're dating?"


"Oh," I breathe.

"Have you been talking to any boys?"

"Benji – he's like a brother. Mainly you, though."

"I'm not a boy, I'm a man."

We walked back up from the beach and to the bus stop. "We're just in time for you to catch the bus," I state as the bus pulls up to the bus stop.

"Nah, I want to stay with you for a while longer," Mick responds.

Once we sat down on the bus stop bench, Mick asks, "Do you want to be in my Instagram story?"

"Sure," I answer. Mick brings up his phone, puts his arm around me and takes a picture.

"Does it look alright?" Mick asks me, showing me the picture.

"Yep," I answer.

"If guys saw you out of school..."

Soon enough, a second bus came up the road. Mick gestured for a hug so I gave him one. Is it just me or when a guy hugs you around the waist, your waist feels a lot bigger?

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I pick up the phone. I see it's Billie calling. "Hello, Billie," I say, "How are you?"

"I am good, what about you?" Billie asks in return, stating her last three words as if they belong in their own individual sentences.

"I am dehydrated, I should drink some water," I reply, beginning a game.

"So what have you been up to today?" Billie asks further.

"An assumption can be made."


"Yeah...had a good time."

"Are the two of you together?" Billie asks and I hear desperation building on the other end of the line, "What is happening?"

"We. Are. Friends. Did you like the latest story, though?"

"Eden, you look good in everything. Would you want to be more than friends??? I am sorry for asking so many questions."

"I'm sorry for being so awkward answering them! I was only teasing before and it's honestly fine that you're curious. Look...I would like for it to turn into something more."

"Honestly, I replied to the story, telling Mick that I shipped you and him."

"Did he respond to your message?"

"Yeah, he said 'me too'!"

"Did he really say that???"

"Yes, he did!!! He's into you, girl!"

𝙾𝚌𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝙴𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜Where stories live. Discover now