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Gabriel and I were texting each other a lot yesterday because his initial alcohol influenced one. The texts resulted in today's meet up.

When Gabriel stood up to greet me at the beach, he gave me the zipper and a smile formed on his face! After our hug, we walked over to the picnic blanket and Gabriel queried at my neck, sounding concerned, "What's that?"

My hand immediately met with the side of my neck and then it clicked. "That's my birthmark; I've had it since I was born," I say. And then immediately feel stupid. "Haven't you seen it before?" I ask, hoping it distracts Gabriel from me having just stated the obvious.

"No," Gabriel replies. Though quickly he becomes energetic, adding, "But I really like it!"

Once we sat on the blanket, Gabriel states, "Drunk messages worked out well for me."

"I received a couple that night," I began, thinking back to the Ball, "One from you and one from Mick"

"You should have come to Afters!" Gabriel exclaimed.

"But Mick didn't invite me," I told him again.

"Dickhead," Gabriel says under his breath.

"In his drunk message, he thanked me for being his Ball date. Added a bunch of kisses after."

Gabriel raises his eyebrows.

I speak to Gabriel about the latest RipCurl campaign.

"You like Alana Blanchard?!" Gabriel enthusiastically responds.

"Yes!!!" I reply.

He responds happily, "She's my crush."

After the picnic, as we walk away from the ocean, "I really like Alana Blanchard! She's gorgeous!"

"You're gorgeous," Gabriel responds.

I look at him with a sideways glance, a smile playing on my lips.

Gabriel met my eyes, exclaiming, "Smooth criminal strikes again!"

Gabriel proposes to me his ideas, "We could go get ice cream, or go into town and be spontaneous."

"Let's be spontaneous!" I answer.

In town, I point out Gabriel the Rip Curl advert with Alana Blanchard in it. The poster is hung in the window and I take a step back, rolling my ankle in the process. Gabriel catches me, though!

After we have burgers for dinner, we head home upon my request.

"Would you like me to walk you home?" Gabriel asks once we were walking away from our town's centre.

"It's okay. You head to your home," I smile.

"No, I'll walk you home," he tells me then asks, "So, you talk with Benji?"

"Yes. We've been practising basketball in the mornings," I reply, remembering the one time Gabriel came to join us.

"He was trying to move in but I got you!" Gabriel exclaims, a smile lighting up his face.

He can read me like a book.

"He wanted you but I won," Gabriel says further.

It finally clicks in my ditsy brain what Gabriel was implying and I respond, "I don't think he meant it in that way. I think he meant it in a friendly way."

Gabriel and I say farewell in front of my house. This hug, I notice, Gabriel wraps his arms around my back. I return by wrapping mine around his neck. Gabriel whispers in my ear, "Can I have a kiss?"

I give him one but his face remains close. So I give him a few more.

𝙾𝚌𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝙴𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜Where stories live. Discover now