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I awoke in a strange monochromatic location. A place filled with a combination of nature and human manipulation is apparent. Towering dense trees almost blanketing the sky and stick-like dead ones mix as they stood eerily on both sides of the poorly raised uneven stone path. I stood disoriented as if someone banged my head with a heavy object and left me on my own devices in this grim environment.

I looked around and saw people roaming around like soulless beings with no direction to their steps. I tried talking to them, looking for information or asking for help but their desolate faces returned no response. I continued the fruitless endeavor until I reached a group of people slowly following a line.

But before I can get closer to ask one lining up, I hand grabbed my arm dragging me away from the crowd.

"What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here," the person's face was as distorted as the people who wander around, but somehow this person's face gave me a feeling of familiarity. Though barely recognizable with this place that only dances in black and white, we both have the same hue of colors that seemed to be out of place.

The person pulled me towards the front of the line, hidden well behind their huge build that towers over me. As we moved closer to the front, I can see a huge stone archway, circular in shape and a story tall in height. A slight tilt of my head and I can see a shimmer-like wall dividing this place and the colorful side behind it.

The person hid me under their huge flowy clothing obscuring my vision, but enough for me to hear garbled conversation between this person the cloaked being standing at the front of the archway which indicates a disagreement. I sneaked a peak making sure not to reveal myself as it seems that it was this person intends to do.

I can barely see what happening but with what I can hear and see in my limited vision I can make out that we are in some sort of processing area where there are those who can pass through the archway and those who cannot and is thrown on the side of the path. However, it wasn't until I took a closer look on the side of the road that I realized why the path was raised.

The people thrown fell few feet below along with other people swimming in gray mud struggling to reach the top of the road, but the mud makes their effort hopeless. But before I can make any extreme reaction, The person walked me across the archway where we appeared inside the back of a huge bus, already filled with other people who seemed to have passed the same archway.

We sat on front of the bus, the only seat available where the driver with his jolly smile and his overweight fluffy body greeted us. On the side of the steering wheel is a small screen seemingly showing the image of earth and a small pin placed on different areas.

A short welcome and instructions were given by the driver were the instruction a bit confusing, saying that we must reach certain level of unconsciousness before we can get of the bus. The instruction didn't make sense until the bus started moving, but the bus didn't run at the speed I was familiar with. It moved at an alarming speed as if we were moving faster than a bullet train.

I can see through the glass windows that the outside surrounding the bus blurs in different colors leaving trails of lights

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I can see through the glass windows that the outside surrounding the bus blurs in different colors leaving trails of lights. We move so fast it feels like I'm leaving my soul behind. I blacked out for a second then bus started slowing down, When I looked outside, the surrounding started to get clearer, though its still in a speed far exceeding the capacity of a bus, I can already make out the huge ocean with few islands floating around.

Then we stopped on a pier bus station along with other inconspicuous bus with their inconspicuous passengers. The person who helped me return to my hometown walked me over to the exit of the bus, relief and assurance in their smile as they beckon me to finally get off the bus.

And I woke up.

~ 🌟 ~

Been a long time since I wrote a dream-story, I'm getting rusty 😂😂😂

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