Priming : War

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Seeing as someone righteous endangered their selves to save someone as overbearing as him, interest filled Arthur. After resting for a few days, he spent all his breaks inquiring of his savior's identity. Just as he was giving up, one of his friends pointed out a person who was present during his accident.

It was none other than the person who warned him of his accident, Christine. Christine is walking along the corridor towards the cafeteria with the siblings when Arthur's friend pointed her. A huge bandage present on her forehead with a few scratches on her arms. With those injuries, Arthur was certain Christine was the one who saved him.

In his memory, he muddily remembers her name being called beside him as he lay on the floor.

"Not only is she beautiful outside but also inside," Arthur gazed at Christine with admiration.

Since then, Arthur started bothering not Justine but Christine. He would use all of his free time being a nuisance in their group, popping out of nowhere, trying to squeeze his body beside her or trying to start nonsense conversations.

"I noticed how your wounds are still bothering you, try using these medicines," Arthur suddenly barged in their group's lunchtime. "My family has been using these for generations and has been very effective. It relieves pain and removes scars as well."

Arthur never revealed of his knowledge of Christine saving him, thus the group is still wondering of his sudden advances frowned at his actions, especially Justine, who despite finding his actions unbearable and irritating chose not to meddle to prevent any fight from happening.

"What about me?" Justine asked as she offered her hand forward.

"What about you?" Arthur tried not to show his displeasure with Justine.

"Can't you see I'm hurt too?" she replied brushing her bangs showing the huge scar on her forehead. "You said it can remove scars."

Christine quickly picked up the medicine and distributed it to the siblings.

"You should have it Justine," Christine handed a couple of bottles to Justine. "Here John, I know you're still sore from the bruises you got from your gift awakening," she handed another bottle to John.

Arthur tried to voice his disapproval but knowing her close friendship with the siblings, he remained quiet.

"Thank you Arthur, we will use it wisely," Christine smiled awkwardly but Arthur seen it as an angelic grace causing him to smile ridiculously.

Gifts. The reason why they were trained under different situations and circumstances. All trainees who completed the second level, and reaching a high rank, was immediately prepped for infusion of abilities from the aliens. It could be of internal or external manipulation, any form of supernatural skill the aliens can integrate it to any trainee depending on the training they had.

Arthur, who was the first to receive his gift, gained the ability to manipulate the air around him. John is able to manipulate the density of any matter he touches including himself. Christine is able to travel from one place to another in a blink of an eye while Justine still waiting for hers to manifest.

However, once they are able to activate it, the trainees would experience a one-time event of sudden power burst that will decide that in the event of surviving the physical lashes they will incur, they are to continue their training until level four or sadly perish in the process and never to be seen again.

There are also those who do not receive the gifts but complete the training to produce much resilient offspring for future recruitment.

Ever since Arthur's accident, his treatment towards Justine mellowed down, due to her friendship with his savior, not that Justine cared for any of his actions. This would often put a smile on Christine, thus he would always try to talk with civil with her and eventually started seeing her not as a privileged rival but a training comrade.

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