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I woke up in an unfamiliar environment, lying on a huge bed, in a fancy-looking room, with no clothes on.

Trying to recall of what transpired before I ended up naked on someone else's room but coming up with nothing, I panicked. And before I can move to find any clothes to wear, a man appeared. His face brimming with smile as he walked towards me.

His face, though prominent and discernible, my memory had no recollection of his striking face. Still freaked by the lapse in my memory and trying to remember any information of his name or the place I currently lie in or even the name I am called, he sat at the edge of the bed beside me. His voice muffled as I try to remember information that my mind refuses to give as he gently caressed my check and kissed the side of my neck.

I stiffened.

I don't know how I looked at him but his smile grew wider and he laughed.

"Come on, It's time to eat." He stood up and pointed the clothes on the other side of the king-sized bed and left the room.

I quickly put on the clothes while thinking of a way to escape from this strange place and the unfamiliar man who despite his comely face; gave me a spine-chilling sensation warning me never to go near him again. However, as soon as I walked out the abnormally huge bedroom, I once again panicked at the countless doors on the long corridor.

Realizing this place is not just a simple house or a room of a hotel but a wide mansion, my panic grew larger. Seeing the floor fully carpeted, and was adorned with expensive-looking chandeliers, ceramics and ornaments, my throat lodged.

Thinking it was the adrenaline kicking in, I ran reached the nearest window oddly fast, jumped out into the floral shrubs and soft grass 2 floors down from the window. Unbelievably, I landed gracefully like a cat, with no injuries or minor sprain.

As I stood up, I saw a vast courtyard covered with different flowers surrounding a huge fountain and tall tress in it's background. I walked around looking for an exit, still cautious of people who might see me. And seeing that none appeared as I looked around the hectares-wide garden I ran towards the only building on the right side of the garden.

 And seeing that none appeared as I looked around the hectares-wide garden I ran towards the only building on the right side of the garden

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Unfortunately, after a few steps, a voice was heard from behind my back.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

My head quickly turned and saw a girl with long curly brown hair, probably a few years younger than me, wearing a fluffy ruffled dress and a broad smile on her face.

However, it was not her doll-like features and princess attire that unsettled me, but her sudden appearance with no trace of sound or shadow, as if she manifested out of thin air.

"Where are you going? You should be going to the other side of the house." Her head tilted as she smiled once more; her smile similar to the unknown man I met a while ago. "Let's go." She took my hand and lead me to the other side of the garden.

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