Hunting Game

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A sudden rain poured heavily as our family was walking along an unknown street. We were on a travel towards our relatives when the unfortunate event happened. With no means of shielding ourselves from the rain as it slowly drenched our clothes, we seek shelter on the nearest abandoned-looking house.

However, as soon as we entered the dilapidated historical-looking mansion, the interior astounded us. The thick woods and closed windows hid the well-preserved furniture and displays from outside view. The floor was polished, even few lights were turned on; a discovery that surprised us more knowing there was electricity in this house. Unlike from the view outside with the building looking like it has been abandoned, the inside looked alive seemingly an occupied house.

Me having penchant for any unusual things, explored the peculiar house. Despite the house's exterior and interior walls were both unpainted, the tapestries and potteries around the house gave color to the house, giving an early 1900's vibe.

As I further explored the house forgetting the warnings of my elders not to go astray until the rain calms down, I came across a stair leading underground. Not refusing my curiosity, I stepped down the stairs only to meet a mucky, soil ground.

Unlike other basements, light from the open wall of the basement revealing a nearby beach gave me full view of the whole walkout basement. And in a darker side of the area, a figure with the same surprised pair of eyes as mine was standing just on the side of the stairs.

Figure would be the appropriate adjective to the individual with the inanimate stillness of its body, towering height it owns and the strange skin it possess. If only not for the blinking eyes, I would have assumed that it was a 10-foot sculpture.

 If only not for the blinking eyes, I would have assumed that it was a 10-foot sculpture

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Despite the terrifying image the creature presents, my body was inclined to walk towards it and examine the creature closely. Luckily, the creature was not aggressive, if anything it looked tame. But as soon as I was a couple of steps away from reaching the place it was standing, it spoke.

"Why are you here?"

The sound stopped me on my tracks. His voice and the intonation of words clearly denoted his knowledge of human language. I looked closely at his figure and saw that despite his tall stature and moss-green skin, he looked human. He asked the same question turning me back from my contemplation and I explained our family's situation. He stood in the same place, staring at me with concentration as he listened to my story.

But before I can finish my story, his head flicked in a quick attention to the open wall that views the rain shower and raging waves of the nearby ocean. He started speaking words I do not understand, but the agitated expression of his face clearly indicated danger.

The danger, as he explained it, has hunted him for many years and those who had knowledge of him, making me a target as well. But with his weak state of health, as he have been hiding in this house for an unknown amount of time with no source of nutrition, he is of no constitution to travel and or defend.

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