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It was a cloudy day, my 2 younger siblings and I climbed our storehouse's roof, just a few meters high, to hang out and try to pick some fruits hanging just above it. We were casually sitting and conversing about our plans for the upcoming school along with a bot.

While I picked the fruits within arm's reach and opening them immediately to taste, my younger sister preferred the fruits higher up in the tree saying they are sweeter. She crouched, preparing to leap, but before her feet left the corrugated iron, the bot grabbed her arm causing it to be propped up several feet up along with my sister.

It's a world where robotics are prevalent, but not in the apocalyptic future many predicted. Though robots did become sentient beings, there were no revolts or genocides. Robots chose to be a peaceful new addition and assimilated well to mankind. They are nothing more than a new species discovered that has made the world a better place.

Along with the addition of artificial life, natural phenomenon around the world started showing around younger generation. Enhanced physical abilities, mental amplification and elemental manipulation. The world is healing, mankind no longer fears death and starvation. It was the ultimate utopia.

Until separate artificial sentient beings descended from the sky. Completely different in design and color, donning a black and red color in their spiky four-legged appearance, unlike the white and gray humanoid appearance that most of the robotics had in our world. They arrived in huge metallic ships from far away unknown space bearing the same color scheme they had.

With no prior knowledge about these intergalactic invaders, the world went into chaos. Even with the help of the pacifist robots, mankind was pushed into dark times. The assailants never gave any interest in the robots, prioritizing human annihilation is their primary directive and they were good at it.

Just a few years after they arrived and the world went up in flames, their ships seem to have a terraforming machine, capable of destroying ecosystems in a short span of time. The once green planet returned to its prehistoric image, filled with rubble and erupting volcanoes along with gravitational anomalies that created floating rivers and lakes.

During the initial invasion, one of the robots chose to stay with us and protected us from the takeover. We survived for years gathering data about the enemy and enhancing our skills. The automatons were only the first wave of the takeover, sent as surveillance and hunting dogs. Unlike the earth robots, the automatons were not sentient, only following protocols and doing routine activities every day.

The robot and I are now scavenging around an old vegetable pasture, what was once a bountiful field of granary and greenery is nothing but a dustbin of sand and mummified foliage, made more shriveled by scorching dessert sun. I managed to locate a canned good and several nuts in one of the facilities that used to maintain the hectares. But before we could escape the wasted field, one aerial automaton noticed our presence and gave chase.

We tried to lose the automaton by hiding all around the facility, inside the buildings and under the tall dry corn fields. The automatons make it their rule that humans should not be shot but pierced and torn to pieces for good measure since humans have skills that can deflect projectiles and heal injuries. This direction gave humans a chance to survive all these years.

More and more automatons arrive to the area causing us to abandon the hide and seek game and run from the place. With my enhanced physical strength, my speed doubles the fastest animal alive, rivaling any racing machine's speed which even the robots are having trouble catching up to. The chase spans from open fields, erupting volcanoes and the floating waters around it.

I met a few survivors also being helped by bots while we were running away from the automatons that helped in thinning out the chasers, however one remained behind our tail, even my robot friend got left behind battling one of them. The remaining automaton kept chasing me up the top of the volcano, dodging the falling debris from the eruptions both rubbles and lava which proved to be both useless as they can slice through huge boulders like butter and their body seemingly above the melting pint of lava.

Though it's not melting, its body is getting red from all the heat it gets and with the power of chemistry I dove into the bottom surface of huge body of water close to the top hoping it will follow suit and quickly cool its body, freezing it and giving me time to run away farther, but before I can reach the top surface of the water, I woke up. 

~ 🌟 ~

My grandma actually woke me up and cut the dream short

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