Priming : Earth

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The earth has been dominated. A race of supernatural alien species appeared on earth claiming to have come to prepare humanity of a threat that will wipe out not only the human race but also the planet itself.

However, in preparation, they are forcibly taking yet-to-be-mature individuals, ranging from 13-24, one from each family, and transport them to the massive ship they arrived with, spanning to several kilometres, hovering on top of a mountain range.

A woman standing by the wooden veranda facing the lake under the afternoon sun smiled and tried to comfort her daughter. Her daughter replied with a shrug and attempted to show her determination towards the challenge. The woman chuckled as she ruffled the girl's shoulder-length hair despite the protest, furthering her already unkempt hair due to her wavy hair. While watching the girl busy fixing her hair, the woman frowned with worry. With her daughter's skill, she will likely be chosen earlier than her peers will be, thus, she trained her strictly than before.

While conversing about the foreign beings, a girl with the same age of the girl arrived, inviting her to watch her older brother train.


"How's your training by the way?" The wavy haired girl asked as they make their way to her brother. "You always finish ahead of us, pretty sure you'll be the top of your class later," she continued as she playfully gave her friend's shoulder a punch.

Her friend smiled bashfully while tucking her long hair behind her ear. "We tend to start early with my training. My mentor wants to train while the sun is still high, I can also train better with good vision."

"Ugh! How can you like training when we will get plenty of it inside the ship? And if not plenty, worse?" She rolled her eyes and sighed deeply. "You're the same with my brother, always eager to train and please those aliens who never once showed their faces, if they have one."

"They're here to help us, won't that be enough for us to cooperate?"

"How can we tell that another race of alien is coming when we haven't seen them themselves?" she snorted. "They only graced us with those flying surveillance droids," she sarcastically added, coincidentally, a lone droid passed by above them.

Her friend chuckles at her answer and soon reached the training ground.

As soon as they entered the building, they heard a loud thud and saw a downed opponent.

The short-haired girl burst out laughing, which attracted the attention of the two sparring.

"Man! Would give anything for a recap of your face," the short-haired wiped her teary eyes as they walked closer.

"Easy for you to say, your training doesn't require physical pain," her brother retorted while catching his breath on the floor.

"Well, now that you're here, we might as well," the mentor invited her.



The siblings said in unison.

"No! You might get hurt!" her brother interjected. "You know how mom and dad strictly told you not to be reckless and get yourself wounded!"

"Stop being so protective of your sister, sooner or later she will have to train like this," his mentor reasoned. "And don't worry; I'm not going to hurt her."

"As if you can hurt me," she smirked at the mentor.

The mentor smirked back and taunted her to come inside the circle, which she happily complied, removing her shoes and tying her hair.

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